<DIV>Thank you a lot Stephen, it worked</DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV>Is it possible to have 2 different fonts? each for 1 column?</DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV>example:</DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV>NAME use arial font</DIV> <DIV>PLACE use verdana font?</DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV>William<BR><BR><B><I>Stephen Woodbridge <woodbri@SWOODBRIDGE.COM></I></B> wrote:</DIV> <BLOCKQUOTE class=replbq style="PADDING-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; BORDER-LEFT: #1010ff 2px solid">Not exactly like that.<BR><BR>Try in the CLASS to add TEXT ([name], [place])<BR><BR>-Steve W<BR><BR>william paul wrote:<BR>> Hello:<BR>> <BR>> Is it possible to have 2 columns for LABELITEM?<BR>> <BR>> I have 2 CLASS in the map file. For the first CLASS I want to use <BR>> LABELITEM "name" and for the second class I want to use LABELITEM <BR>> "place", so for each CLASS I can set different labels from different columns<BR>> <BR>> Thank you in advance<BR>> <BR>>
example:<BR>> CLASSITEM "class"<BR>> LABELITEM "name" and "place"<BR>> CLASS<BR>> NAME "class1"<BR>> EXPRESSION "2"<BR>> STYLE<BR>> COLOR 112 112 112<BR>> SYMBOL "POINT"<BR>> SIZE 7<BR>> END<BR>> LABEL<BR>> COLOR 112 112 112<BR>> TYPE TRUETYPE<BR>> FONT arial<BR>> MAXSIZE 7<BR>> MINSIZE 7<BR>> ANTIALIAS true<BR>> POSITION auto<BR>> PARTIALS TRUE<BR>> MINDISTANCE 100<BR>> BUFFER 0<BR>> ENCODING "iso-8859-1"<BR>> FORCE true<BR>> END # end of label<BR>> TEMPLATE "query_templates/template.html"<BR>> END<BR>> CLASS<BR>> NAME "class2"<BR>> EXPRESSION "1"<BR>> STYLE<BR>> COLOR 255 0 0<BR>> SYMBOL "POINT"<BR>> SIZE 7<BR>> END<BR>> LABEL<BR>> COLOR 255 0 0<BR>> TYPE TRUETYPE<BR>> FONT verdana<BR>> MAXSIZE 7<BR>> MINSIZE 7<BR>> ANTIALIAS true<BR>> POSITION uc<BR>> PARTIALS TRUE<BR>> MINDISTANCE 100<BR>> BUFFER 0<BR>> ENCODING "iso-8859-1"<BR>>
FORCE true<BR>> END # end of label<BR>> TEMPLATE "query_templates/template.html<BR>> END<BR>> William<BR>> <BR>> Want to start your own business? Learn how on Yahoo! Small Business. <BR>> <HTTP: evt="41244/*http://smallbusiness.yahoo.com/r-index" us.rd.yahoo.com><BR></BLOCKQUOTE><BR><p>
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