Hi,<br><br>Thanks to Scott, who helped me quite a bit through this, I now have a mapfile that <br>should be suitable for publishing tiff images through WMS. (Thanks again Scott !)<br>Can someone have a look at this mapfile, I can't seem to figure out what causes mapserver
<br>not showing the images when requested through WMS.<br>Can someone help me figure out what parameters are missing/incomplete....<br><br>MAP<br> NAME CAMPUS<br> STATUS ON<br> SIZE 500 500<br> SYMBOLSET ../etc/symbols.sym
<br> EXTENT 77336.359625 189988.500250 90937.297125 201812.968625<br> UNITS METERS<br> IMAGECOLOR 255 255 255<br> FONTSET ../etc/fonts.txt<br> TRANSPARENT FALSE<br><br>IMAGETYPE png256<br><br> WEB<br> IMAGEPATH "/ms4w/apps/chameleon/samples/data/topo"
<br> IMAGEURL "/ms_tmp/"<br> METADATA<br> "wms_abstract" "Demo for Geotiff"<br> "wms_title" "WMS Demo Server"<br> "wms_onlineresource" "http://***********/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe?map=/ms4w/apps/chameleon/samples/map/wmsserver_tiff.map&"
<br> "wms_srs" "EPSG:31300"<br> <br> END<br> END<br> <br>OUTPUTFORMAT<br> NAME GEOTIFF<br> DRIVER "GDAL/GTiff"<br> MIMETYPE "image/tiff"<br> IMAGEMODE "PC256"
<br> EXTENSION "tif"<br>END<br><br><br> PROJECTION<br> "init=epsg:31300"<br> END<br><br><br># LAYER<br># NAME "aerial1"<br># DATA "C:/your tiff file.tif"<br># TYPE RASTER
<br># STATUS ON<br># END<br><br># I believe aerial1 would work if you just have one tiff and point it to that<br><br> LAYER<br> NAME "fullimagetiffwoverview"<br> TILEINDEX "/ms4w/apps/chameleon/samples/data/topo/shpindex.shp"
<br> TILEITEM "location"<br> TYPE RASTER<br> #PROCESSING "DITHER=YES" <br> #PROCESSING "BANDS=3,2,1" <br> STATUS ON<br> <br> END<br><br># fullimagetiffwoverview would work if you point it to your tileindex shapefile which you would create with gdal
<br><br># this is if you have a mosaic of images<br><br>END<br><br>