<div> </div> <div>Hi:</div> <div> </div> <div>I am using Dbox, example from <A href="http://maps.dnr.state.mn.us/tools/dbox/">http://maps.dnr.state.mn.us/tools/dbox/</A></div> <div>I want to have more background layers, and each background layer is a raster. I have setup the metadata in the map file:</div><FONT size=2> <div>METADATA</div> <div># dLegend XML legend control</div> <div>dlegend_metagroups "foreground,background"</div> <div>dlegend_foreground_name "foreground:"</div> <div>dlegend_foreground_layers_and_groups "layer1,layer2"</div> <div>dlegend_background_name "background: "</div> <div>dlegend_background_layers_and_groups "raster1,raster2"</div> <div>dlegend_background_element "radio"</div> <div>dlegend_layer1_name "Layer1"</div> <div>dlegend_layer2_name "Layer2"</div> <div>dlegend_raster1_name "Raster1"</div> <div>dlegend_raster2_name "Raster2"</div> <div>END</div> <div> </div> <div>When I load the page I can see the legend
up to Raster1 and without Raster2</div> <div>I tried to replace the layers from the background with vector data and is working OK, but with raster data I can see only 1 background layer</div> <div> </div> <div>Is it possible to use 2 or more background layers with raster data?</div> <div> </div> <div>Thank you in advance</div> <div> </div> <div>William</div></FONT><p>
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