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Hai,<br><br>I've got a question about the transparency of rotated GIF files. Perhaps it's asked a many times but i can't find a answer on the internet.<br><br>The layer:<br>LAYER<br> STATUS OFF<br> METADATA<br> "wms_title" "somelayer" <br> END<br> CONNECTIONTYPE postgis<br> NAME "somelayer"<br> CONNECTION "user=postgres password=xxxx dbname=xxxx host=xxxxx"<br> DATA "the_geom from somelayer"<br> #MAXSCALE 100000<br> TYPE POINT<br> DUMP TRUE<br> TEMPLATE bla<br> TOLERANCE 10<br> TRANSPARENCY alpha<br> CLASS<br> EXPRESSION ('[s]'="B")<br> NAME "Brug"<br> STYLE <br> ANGLE [road_direction]<br> COLOR 0 0 255<br> SYMBOL "bridge.gif"<br> END<br> END<br>END<br><br>If i don't rotate the image then the image is transparent but if i add the property angle [road_direction] the image rotates fine but isn't transparent any more. How can a i solv this problem?<br><br>Tia,<br><br>Roy<br></body></html>