.hmmessage P
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Just throwing this out there, but I recently created a tile index using gdaltindex. I did not get the white lines you are talking about. It could be that there are gaps in between the tiles, which would point to the georefencing info for each tile being slightly off. Also, are you zoomed way out? Try zooming in close and see if they are still there. The tile-indexed image I have is huge (2602 X 2800), so it looks funny when zoomed all the way out when trying to view the entire image - still no lines though. Also, try using a .gif or .png instead of a .jpg and see what happens. Just some suggestions. That's all I really have. I'm just another Mapserver user - not an admin.<br> - Chris<br><br><blockquote><hr>Date: Mon, 1 Oct 2007 16:50:46 +0200<br>From: zhonghaiw@GMAIL.COM<br>Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Weidr Output image with the esri tile index file -- GDALTINDEX<br>To: MAPSERVER-USERS@LISTS.UMN.EDU<br><br><div>HI guys,</div>
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<div>I've created a tile index file with the GDALTINDEX utility for my small raster jpeg images, all things work well, but the end output jpeg image with MapServer is a little weird, there are some white grid lines on the output image. I don't know if there are some blank areas between the tile images when creating the tile index file, or the tile index grid are drawn by MapServer on the output jpeg image.
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<div>attached is a small example output jpeg image.</div>
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<div>any clues are welcome.</div>
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<div>Best Regards</div>
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