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I've been following MapServer from afar on James Fee's blog and I've finally decided to take the plunge. I'm a long time ArcIMS developer so these concepts in MapServer aren't that far off from what I'm used to doing, but I have to admit I'm at a loss at getting my first WMS service up and running.<BR><BR> <BR><BR>I installed MS4W and have that running. The Demo runs perfectly, but when I try and create my own .map file, I seem to have hit a wall. This is the contents of my mapfile.<BR><BR> <BR><BR>MAP<BR> NAME Installation<BR> SIZE 800 500<BR> IMAGECOLOR 240 240 240<BR> EXTENT 582919.88200 4182989.235900 610195.822000 4207241.321900<BR> UNITS METERS<BR> PROJECTION<BR> "init=EPSG:32616"<BR> END<BR> WEB<BR> IMAGEPATH "/ms4w/tmp/ms_tmp/"<BR> IMAGEURL "/ms_tmp/"<BR> END<BR> <BR> LAYER<BR> NAME "Installation"<BR> TYPE POLYGON<BR> STATUS ON<BR> DATA "Installation_Area.shp"<BR> <BR> CLASS<BR> NAME 'Installation'<BR> OUTLINECOLOR 60 60 60<BR> COLOR 255 255 0<BR> SYMBOL 0<BR> END<BR> END <BR>END<BR><BR><BR><BR>Now when I test it, I get a blank grey background.<BR><BR> <BR><BR><A onclick=onClickUnsafeLink(event); href="http://localhost:8080/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe?MAP=/ms4w/apache/htdocs/test/test.map&mode=map" target=_blank>http://localhost:8080/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe?MAP=/ms4w/apache/htdocs/test/test.map&mode=map</A><BR><BR> <BR><BR>I'm sure there is something here I'm overlooking, but I just can't seem to debug it. Any direction would be wonderful.<BR>
David<BR><BR><br /><hr />Boo! Scare away worms, viruses and so much more! Try Windows Live OneCare! <a href='http://onecare.live.com/standard/en-us/purchase/trial.aspx?s_cid=wl_hotmailnews' target='_new'>Try now!</a></body>