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<DIV dir=ltr align=left><SPAN class=015111600-09012008><FONT face=Verdana
color=#0000ff size=2>Thanks for the help.</FONT></SPAN></DIV>
<DIV dir=ltr align=left><SPAN class=015111600-09012008><FONT face=Verdana
color=#0000ff size=2></FONT></SPAN> </DIV>
<DIV dir=ltr align=left><SPAN class=015111600-09012008><FONT face=Verdana
color=#0000ff size=2>I have found the problem. For some reason (which I am
about to look into) the tables have different projections. I found this
when I was looking in to your suggestions.</FONT></SPAN></DIV><!-- Converted from text/rtf format -->
<P><SPAN lang=en-nz><FONT face=Verdana size=2>Cheers Ian</FONT></SPAN> <BR><SPAN
lang=en-nz><FONT face=Verdana
size=2>______________________<BR><B></B></FONT><B></B><B><FONT face=Georgia>Ian
Tidy</FONT></B><FONT face="Times New Roman"><BR></FONT><B></B><B><FONT
face=Georgia size=2>GIS Analyst / Developer</FONT></B><BR><FONT face=Georgia
size=2>Works Asset Department</FONT><FONT
face="Times New Roman"><BR></FONT><FONT face=Georgia size=2>Napier City
Council</FONT><FONT face="Times New Roman"><BR></FONT><FONT face=Georgia
face=Georgia size=2><A
face="Times New Roman"></FONT> <FONT face=Georgia size=2>| <A
face="Times New Roman"></FONT></SPAN><SPAN lang=en-us> </SPAN></P>
<DIV> </DIV><BR>
<DIV class=OutlookMessageHeader lang=en-us dir=ltr align=left>
<HR tabIndex=-1>
<FONT face=Tahoma size=2><B>From:</B> Delfos, Jacob
[mailto:Jacob.Delfos@maunsell.com] <BR><B>Sent:</B> Wednesday, 9 January 2008
12:44 p.m.<BR><B>To:</B> Ian Tidy;
MapScript queryByAttributes Issue<BR></FONT><BR></DIV>
<DIV dir=ltr align=left><SPAN class=672374023-08012008><FONT face=Arial
color=#0000ff size=2>Hi Ian,</FONT></SPAN></DIV>
<DIV dir=ltr align=left><SPAN class=672374023-08012008><FONT face=Arial
color=#0000ff size=2></FONT></SPAN> </DIV>
<DIV dir=ltr align=left><SPAN class=672374023-08012008><FONT face=Arial
color=#0000ff size=2>It's a long shot, but have you checked whether your
attribute names (not just the values) are in upper/lowercase? Because
attribute names are case sensitive.</FONT></SPAN></DIV>
<DIV dir=ltr align=left><SPAN class=672374023-08012008><FONT face=Arial
color=#0000ff size=2>What does your php log say? Because if you do a search, and
it does not find matching values (as opposed to something else being wrong), it
will report a warning in your php log. If this is what it says, then you will at
least have narrowed it down. But it may give a different error. You must
configure php to display warnings, though.</FONT></SPAN></DIV>
<DIV dir=ltr align=left><SPAN class=672374023-08012008><FONT face=Arial
color=#0000ff size=2></FONT></SPAN> </DIV>
<DIV dir=ltr align=left><SPAN class=672374023-08012008><FONT face=Arial
color=#0000ff size=2>regards,</FONT></SPAN></DIV>
<DIV dir=ltr align=left><SPAN class=672374023-08012008><FONT face=Arial
color=#0000ff size=2></FONT></SPAN> </DIV>
<DIV dir=ltr align=left><SPAN class=672374023-08012008><FONT face=Arial
color=#0000ff size=2>Jacob</FONT></SPAN></DIV>
<DIV dir=ltr align=left><SPAN class=672374023-08012008><FONT face=Arial
color=#0000ff size=2></FONT></SPAN> </DIV>
<DIV dir=ltr align=left><SPAN class=672374023-08012008><FONT face=Arial
color=#0000ff size=2></FONT></SPAN> </DIV><BR>
style="PADDING-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; BORDER-LEFT: #0000ff 2px solid; MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px">
<DIV class=OutlookMessageHeader lang=en-us dir=ltr align=left>
<HR tabIndex=-1>
<FONT face=Tahoma size=2><B>From:</B> UMN MapServer Users List
[mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS@LISTS.UMN.EDU] <B>On Behalf Of </B>Ian
Tidy<BR><B>Sent:</B> 9 January 2008 08:11<BR><B>To:</B>
MapScript queryByAttributes Issue<BR></FONT><BR></DIV>
<DIV></DIV><!-- Converted from text/rtf format -->
<P><FONT face=Verdana size=2>Hi All,</FONT> </P>
<P><FONT face=Verdana size=2>I am running MapServer 4.10 and am having a
problem with a query.</FONT> </P>
<P><FONT face=Verdana size=2>My query code is:</FONT>
<BR> <FONT face=Verdana
size=2>$qstring = "/^$street.*/";</FONT>
<BR> <FONT face=Verdana
size=2>$oLayer = $map->getlayerbyname("smartworx");</FONT>
<BR> <FONT face=Verdana
size=2>$oLayer->set("status", MS_ON);</FONT>
<BR> <FONT face=Verdana
size=2>@$oLayer->queryByAttributes('STNAME', $qstring, MS_MULTIPLE);</FONT>
<P><FONT face=Verdana size=2>And this fails, but when I run the same code
using a different table it works:</FONT>
<BR> <FONT face=Verdana
size=2>$qstring = "/^$street.*/";</FONT>
<BR> <FONT face=Verdana
size=2>$oLayer = $map->getlayerbyname("crs_road_centreline");</FONT>
<BR> <FONT face=Verdana
size=2>$oLayer->set("status", MS_ON);</FONT>
<BR> <FONT face=Verdana
size=2>@$oLayer->queryByAttributes('ROAD_LABEL', $qstring,
<P><FONT face=Verdana size=2>Now I know the obvious answer is that the item I
am searching for doesn't exist in my table, but I have checked and it does
exist. The only difference between the two (2) shape files is that
crs_road_centreline is a LINE table and smartworx is a POINT table and have
slightly different structures.</FONT></P>
<P><FONT face=Verdana size=2>crs_road_centreline is the road centreline
network</FONT> <BR><FONT face=Verdana size=2>smartworx is a address point
file.</FONT> </P>
<P><FONT face=Verdana size=2>Any Ideas???</FONT> </P>
<P><SPAN lang=en-nz><FONT face=Verdana size=2>Cheers Ian</FONT></SPAN>
<BR><SPAN lang=en-nz><FONT face=Verdana
face=Georgia>Ian Tidy</FONT></B><FONT
face="Times New Roman"><BR></FONT><B></B><B><FONT face=Georgia size=2>GIS
Analyst / Developer</FONT></B><BR><FONT face=Georgia size=2>Works Asset
Department</FONT><FONT face="Times New Roman"><BR></FONT><FONT face=Georgia
size=2>Napier City Council</FONT><FONT face="Times New Roman"><BR></FONT><FONT
face=Georgia size=2>Hastings St, Private Bag 6010, Napier, New
Zealand</FONT><FONT face="Times New Roman"><BR></FONT><B></B><B><FONT
face=Georgia size=2>Phone +64-6-835-7579 Ext. 8115</FONT></B><FONT
face="Times New Roman"><BR></FONT><FONT face=Georgia size=2>Fax
+64-6-834-4195</FONT><FONT face="Times New Roman"><BR></FONT></SPAN><A
href="mailto:iant@napier.govt.nz"><SPAN lang=en-nz><U><FONT face=Georgia
color=#0000ff size=2>mailto:iant@napier.govt.nz</FONT></U></SPAN></A><SPAN
lang=en-nz><BR></SPAN><A href="http://www.napier.govt.nz"><SPAN
lang=en-nz><U><FONT face=Georgia color=#0000ff
size=2>http://www.napier.govt.nz</FONT></U></SPAN></A><SPAN lang=en-nz><FONT
face=Georgia size=2> | </FONT></SPAN><A
href="http://maps.napier.govt.nz"><SPAN lang=en-nz><U><FONT face=Georgia
color=#0000ff size=2>http://maps.napier.govt.nz</FONT></U></SPAN></A><SPAN
lang=en-nz><FONT face="Times New Roman"> </FONT></SPAN></P><BR><BR>
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