Hi!<br><br>I have just started my exploration in Mapserver on Windows platform with MS4W package. I am using Bil Kropla's Mapserver book. When I worked out the first example (of chapter 2), a simple example using mapserver in CGI-BIN mode, I get the following error <br> loadWeb(): Unknown identifier. Parsing error near (c):(line 1)<br>I tried changing the path information (TEMPLATE, IMAGE PATH), other parameters to ensure the simple 'Hello World' example map gets displayed, but I could not go further. <br><br>I am producing the source code below of the two files.<br><br>File: hello.map<br>--------------------<br># This is our "Hello World" mapfile<br>NAME "Hello World"<br>SIZE 400 300<br>IMAGECOLOR 249 245 186<br>IMAGETYPE png<br>EXTENT -1.0 -1.0 1.0 1.0<br>WEB<br> TEMPLATE "c:/ms4w/apache/htdocs/hello.html"<br> IMAGEPATH "c:/ms4w/apache/htdocs/tmp/"<br> IMAGEURL
"/tmp/"<br>END<br>LAYER<br> STATUS default<br> TYPE point<br> FEATURE<br> POINTS 0.00 0.00 END<br> TEXT "Hello World"<br> END # end feature<br> CLASS<br> STYLE<br> COLOR 255 0 0<br> END<br> LABEL<br> TYPE bitmap<br> END<br> END<br>END<br>END<br><br>File: Hello.html<br>---------------------<br><html><br><head> <title>MapServer
Hello World</title></head><br><body><br> <form method=POST action="../cgi-bin/mapserv.exe"><br> <input type="submit" value="Click Me"><br> <input type="hidden" name="map" value="c:/ms4w/apache/htdocs/hello.map"><br> <input type="hidden" name="map_web_imagepath" value="c:/ms4w/apache/htdocs/tmp/"><br> </form><br> <IMG SRC="[img]" width=400 height=300 border=0><br></body><br></html><br><br>Would appreciate any help on this.<br><br>Thanks in advance.<br>Suresh<br><p>
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