Dear All,<br><br> I am developing an web application based on C# have one requirement that is generating Pie Charts.I have done same with using mapfile .it is working fine.What i need is Mapserver does any class for work with chart(pie or bar) Like layerObject for Layer and mapObj for map etc.<br>
<br> Please any one can help me.I am waiting for your great response.<br><br>Advanced Thanks<br><br>Regards<br>Venkat.<br><br>Here is example is working fine :-<br>LAYER<br> NAME "Papulation"<br> TYPE CHART<br>
CONNECTIONTYPE POSTGIS<br> CONNECTION "host=localhost dbname=GIS password=administrator user=postgres port=5432"<br> DATA "the_geom from world"<br> PROCESSING "CHART_TYPE=pie"<br>
PROCESSING "CHART_SIZE=30"<br> STATUS ON<br><br> CLASS<br> NAME "Population Age 0-19"<br> STYLE<br> SIZE [3000]<br> COLOR 125 147 225<br> END<br> END<br> CLASS<br>
NAME "Population Age 20-39"<br> STYLE<br> SIZE [4000]<br> COLOR 197 0 255<br> END<br> END<br> CLASS<br> NAME "Population Age 40-59"<br> STYLE<br> SIZE [5000]<br>
COLOR 0 197 255<br> END<br> END <br>END<br><br>