I just installed mapserver 5.0.2, on a 64-bit machine. Everything works except php_mapscript.so. It compiles with no errors, but when I try and use it I get either a " double free or corruption (!prev)" or a "malloc(): memory corruption" error related to glibc. Looking a past list discussions, I see others have had the same problem, but I have not found a solution to my problem in those discussions. I am using the following configuration:<br><br>CFLAGS="-fPIC" ./configure --with-ogr=/usr/local/bin/gdal-config --with-gdal=/usr/local/bin/gdal-config --with-httpd=/usr/sbin/httpd --enable-debug --with-curl-config=/usr/bin/curl-config --with-proj=/usr --without-tiff --with-gd=/usr --without-jpeg --with-freetype=/usr --with-threads --with-wcs --with-postgis=/usr/bin/pg_config --with-geos=/usr/bin/geos-config --with-php=/usr --with-xml2-config=/usr/bin/xml2-config --with-sos --with-agg=/usr --without-pdf --with-wmsclient --with-wfs --with-wfsclient
<br><br>I've read that this problem can be related to conflicts with gdal? Does anybody have experience with this problem?<br><br>Thanks<br>Steve<br><p>
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