<div> In my mapserver application,Chinese language, I found the label for some road are upset down.</div>
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<div> For example, I have a vertical road in the map, and the label is "C1 C2 C3 C4". If the line vector is from top to bottom, so I will have a label of "C1 C2 C3 C4", but if the line vector draws from bottom to top, so the label will be displayed from the bottom, and I will get a label like "C4 C3 C2 C1" from top to bottom.</div>
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<div> I think it's because Chinese is not alphabet language, it's char by char label. </div>
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<div> I tried to modify label attribute "ANGLE" to auto, follow, but no use. I tried to modified "ANGLE" to a fixed number, it shows the label will not follow the road line. </div>
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<div>here is a screen shot:</div>
<div><a href="http://www.abovecloud.com/tmp/mapserv1.png">http://www.abovecloud.com/tmp/mapserv1.png</a></div>
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<div> How to make the label follow the road by first character appears on top of the line?</div>
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<div>My font file:</div>
<div># This be the fonts list</div>
<div>fz simfang.ttf</div>
<div> </div>
<div>My map file:</div>
<p>MAP<br> IMAGETYPE PNG<br> EXTENT 116.2101 39.81697 116.559 40.0301<br> SIZE 800 600 #400<br> IMAGECOLOR 235 234 232</p>
<p> SHAPEPATH "/gis/data/sw/01"<br> FONTSET "/gis/maps/fonts/fonts.list" <br> SYMBOLSET "/gis/maps/symbols/symbols.sym"<br> UNITS DD</p>
<p><br> CLASS<br> NAME "CHW"<br> EXPRESSION ('[KIND]'='0101' || '[KIND]'='0102' || '[KIND]'='0103' || '[KIND]'='0105' || '[KIND]'='0107')<br>
STYLE<br> COLOR 210 208 205<br> WIDTH 7<br> END<br> STYLE<br> COLOR 241 190 35<br> WIDTH 5<br> END<br> LABEL<br> COLOR 86 121 190<br> SHADOWCOLOR 255 255 255<br> #SHADOWSIZE 2 2<br> TYPE TRUETYPE<br>
FONT fz<br> SIZE 10<br> ANTIALIAS TRUE<br> POSITION CC<br> PARTIALS FALSE<br> MINDISTANCE 300<br> BUFFER 4<br> encoding gb2312<br> ANGLE follow<br> END #LABEL <br> END </p>