hello all.<br><br>we just upgraded our mapserver installation to mapserver-5.0.3 (current stable i believe). we're running on a gentoo machine with apache 2.2.9 and php 5.2.6RC4<br><br>it seems that some old code that uses mapscript has stopped working. specifically:<br>
<br>dl('php_mapscript.so');<br>...<br>$map = ms_newMapObj("some_mapfile.map");<br> $layer = ms_newLayerObj($map);<br>$layer->set("name", "layer1");<br>....<br><br>throws the following error:<br>
<br><span class="objectBox objectBox-text">Fatal error: Call to undefined method ms_layer_obj::set()</span><br><br>has anyone else experienced this or does anyone have any suggestions on how to fix it?<br><br>thanks in advance.<br>