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Hi list,<br>
I have :<br>
<li>mapserver 4.99,</li>
<li>a mapfile utf-8 encoded,</li>
<li>a mapinfo file create on windows (encoding cp1252).</li>
Extract of my mapfile (utf-8 encoded) :<br>
METADATA (of the map block)<br>
METADATA (of my layer)<br>
WMS_TITLE "TRONCON_ROUTE par Classement_Administratif_Route"<br>
WMS_EXTENT "73114.958418 1622638.022606 1197702.049962
gml_Nombre_Chaussees_alias "Nombre_Chaussées"<br>
I have to make WMS/GetFeatureInfo requests (with
I've made several tests and it seems that :<br>
<li>WMS_ENCODING doens't encode anything. It just puts the right
header of the XML returned (example : <?xml version="1.0"
<li>the XML tags name are putted as they're coded in the mapfile
(example : <Nombre_Chaussées>1 chauss�e</Nombre_Chaussées>),</li>
<li>the XML tags values are putted as they're coded in the data
source (example : see above).</li>
So, if I change MWS_ENCODING to ISO-8859-1 (in my mapfile UTF-8
encoded) the only thing that changes is the XML header : <?xml
version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?><br>
The tags names and values are not encoded in ISO-8859-1. They're like
I've explain above.<br>
If I try to read my ISO-8859-1 GetFeatureInfo XML with FireFox, it
warns that the XML is not well formed<br>
(in my case at the line : <Nombre_Chaussées>2
NB : I've tried with GML_ENCODING with the same results.<br>
If I want all working right I have to :<br>
<li>encode my mapfile into the same encoding than my data (it isn't
very easy because I've mapinfo files in cp1252 and PostGIS data in
<li>use WMS_ENCODING with ISO-8859-1 value (that is the default
I wonder if I have all understood !<br>
I would like that someone explains to me what I have not understood
and/or what I'm doing wrong.<br>
Thanks for help<br>