<table cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' border='0' ><tr><td valign='top' style='font: inherit;'><P>Dear Sir/Madam,</P>
<P>I am new to map server. I has problem with tutorial 1.9 & 2.0; and can not see what's wrong with my code, Can you help me please. below is the code for your reference</P>
<P>Code for map file (test.map)</P>
<P>MAP<BR> NAME test_<BR> IMAGETYPE JPEG<BR> EXTENT 841625 820100 842000 820400<BR> SIZE 400 300<BR> IMAGECOLOR 255 255 255<BR> FONTSET "fonts/fonts.list"<BR> SYMBOLSET "symbols/symbols35.sym"<BR> SHAPEPATH "data"<BR> TEMPLATEPATTERN "test*"</P>
<P> WEB<BR> TEMPLATE "test.html"<BR> IMAGEPATH "d:/ms4w/tmp/"<BR> IMAGEURL "d:/ms4w/tmp/"<BR> END</P>
<P> # Start of LAYER DEFINITIONS ---------------------------------------------<BR> LAYER # States polygon layer begins here<BR> NAME pbldgpoly<BR> DATA pbldgpoly<BR> STATUS DEFAULT<BR> TYPE POLYGON<BR> END # States polygon layer ends here<BR>END # end of map file<BR></P>
<P>Code for html template (test.html)</P>
<P><html><BR><head><BR><title>Test.html</title><BR></head><BR><body bgcolor="#00FFFF" text="#FF0000"><BR><table align="center" width="400" border="0"><BR><tr> <BR><td> <BR> <form name="mapserv" method="get" action="/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe"><BR> <input type="hidden" name="map" value="[map]"><BR> <input type="hidden" name="imgext" value="[mapext]"><BR> <input type="hidden" name="imgxy" value="199.5 149.5"><BR> <input type="hidden" name="mode" value="browse"><BR> <div align="center"><BR> <input type="image" name="img" src="[img]" width="400" height="300"><BR> </div><BR> </form><BR> <div
align="center"><BR> <img border="1" src="/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe?map=D:/ms4w/apps/tutorial/test.map&mode=map" /><BR> </div><BR></td> <BR></tr><BR></table><BR></body><BR></html></P>
<P> </P>
<P>Thank you</P>
<P>Larry</P></td></tr></table><br>_______________________________________<br> YM - 離線訊息<br> 就算你沒有上網,你的朋友仍可以留下訊息給你,當你上網時就能立即看到,任何說話都冇走失。<br> http://messenger.yahoo.com.hk