<div dir="ltr">I have a vector layer which is a table in my postgres database and I want the MapServer to draw the outlines and also fill in the background with a slighly lighter color. I get all the details of the outlines to come out however the background is completely transparent. Does anyone know how to do this?<br>
<br>Here is the layer in my Mapfile:<br><br> LAYER<br> # name of layer<br> NAME "namespace:layer"<br> GROUP "Group"<br><br> # what type of data is this?<br> TYPE POLYGON<br><br> # always returned with interface<br>
STATUS ON<br> <br> #TRANSPARENCY 100<br><br> CONNECTIONTYPE postgis<br><br> CONNECTION "user=user dbname=db host=localhost port=5432 password=pass" <br> DATA "the_geom from layer"<br>
CLASS<br> STYLE<br> SIZE 20<br> OUTLINECOLOR 255 0 0<br> #COLOR 255 0 0<br> #WIDTH 10<br> END<br> STYLE <br> SIZE 20<br> BACKGROUNDCOLOR 0 0 255<br> END<br>
END<br> END<br><br>THANKS!<br></div>