<div dir="ltr">Hello.<br><br>I create a wms service for some vector (shp) data. Now I need to Request this ( with a simple GetFeatureInfo request) but I have problems to understad some process.<br>I define my Query map object.<br>
I put the layer DUMP option in true, and I define two html basic files.<br>I declare the "wms_feature_info_mime_type" "text/html" METADATA<br><br>But wen i request the layer in arcGIS the server takes this request:<br>
<br><a href=",2429381.90851909,598333.988796546,2432322.52048998&WIDTH=1170&HEIGHT=926&QUERY_LAYERS=ngo9_l2e_01meu_sites&STYLES=&EXCEPTIONS=application/vnd.ogc.se_xml&&INFO_FORMAT=text/html&FEATURE_COUNT=50&X=78&Y=28">,2429381.90851909,598333.988796546,2432322.52048998&WIDTH=1170&HEIGHT=926&QUERY_LAYERS=ngo9_l2e_01meu_sites&STYLES=&EXCEPTIONS=application/vnd.ogc.se_xml&&INFO_FORMAT=text/html&FEATURE_COUNT=50&X=78&Y=28</a><br>
<br>I show I have && In INFO_FORMAT parametre (I think that is worng).<br>I understand the parametres But I dont understand the real proces to create the URL.<br><br>Can you help me.<br><br>Thanks.<br></div>