<div dir="ltr">Hi,<br><br>I'm having some difficulty getting a map to show up. I've setup the latest version of MapServer and I have a TIF with a TFW file.<br><br>I don't fully understand how EXTENT works, and I can't find any decent explanation in the documentation. I'm trying to display a portion of my map based on latitude and longitude. What do I need to put in my EXTENT field so that I can get a map with top-left (40.846823/-74.153979) and bottom-right (40.685928/-73.795132).<br>
<br>Thank you for any assistance!<br><br>Felix<br><br>Here is my TFW file:<br><br>63.545941999999989<br>0.0<br>0.0<br>-63.545941999999989<br>-421692.82776298042<br>-15874.371420191659<br><br>And my Map File:<br><br>MAP<br>
NAME NY77SOUTH<br> STATUS ON<br> IMAGETYPE PNG<br> SIZE 500 500<br> SHAPEPATH "/var/www/html"<br> #West South East North<br> EXTENT -421692.82776298042 -15874.371420191659 0 0<br> UNITS METERS<br>
PROJECTION <br> "proj=lcc" <br> "lat_1=46.666667" <br> "lat_2=41.333333" <br> "lon_0=-72.833333" <br> "lat_0=42.1"<br> "x_0=0.0"<br> "y_0=0.0"<br>
"ellps=GRS80" <br> "datum=NAD83" <br> END<br> WEB<br> IMAGEPATH "/var/www/html/tmp/"<br> IMAGEURL "/tmp/"<br> END<br><br> LAYER<br>
NAME "chart"<br> TYPE RASTER<br> STATUS ON<br> DATA "/var/www/html/NewYork77South.tif"<br> END<br>END<br></div>