<div dir="ltr"><br clear="all">Hi the list,<br><br>I work in fedora 8, and my MapServer version is : <a href="http://4.10.3.">4.10.3.</a> I use MapServer as a WMS/WFS Server.<br>For a project, i need to be able to ask some custom WMS request to MapServer. The aim it's that a user can draw a polygon on a map and all the feature includ in this polygon will be color in an other style (like yellow for example).<br>
So can I use the WMS property featureid (or FILTER) ? My example works with GéoServer but not with mapServer. Could someone tell me what is wrong ?<br><br>Here it's my OpenLayers code : <br><br>// setup tiled layer<br>
tiled = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS(<br> "topp:rts_nv_6_7_8 - Tiled", "<a href="http://localhost:8080/geoserver/wms">http://localhost:8080/geoserver/wms</a>",<br> {<br>
width: '800',<br> srs: 'EPSG:4326',<br> styles: '',<br> height: '629',<br> layers: 'topp:rts_nv_6_7_8',<br>
format: 'image/png',<br> tiled: 'true',<br> tilesOrigin : "55.186482,-21.41333445",<br> featureid:'rts_nv_6_7_8.1'<br>
},<br> {buffer: 0} <br> );<br><br> // Layer Route Niveau1 <br> rprincipal_z500KWMS = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS(<br> "rprincipal_z500KWMS", "<a href="http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv?map=/var/www/html/mapserver/rdt_map.map">http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv?map=/var/www/html/mapserver/rdt_map.map</a>",<br>
{<br> layers: 'rprincipal_z500K',<br> srs: 'EPSG:4326',<br> width: '800',<br> styles: '',<br>
height: '626', <br> format: 'image/png',<br> tiled: 'true', <br> tilesOrigin : "55.185611724,-21.415085482499997",<br>
transparent:true,<br> featureid:'rprincipal_z500KWMS.1'<br> },<br> {buffer: 0} <br> );<br><br>And my map configuration : <br>
<br>#######################################<br> LAYER <br> NAME "rprincipal_z500K"<br> MINSCALE 250000<br> MAXSCALE 500000<br> METADATA<br> "wms_title" "rprincipal_z500K" <br>
"wfs_title" "rprincipal_z500K" <br> "gml_featureid" "id_voie" <br> END<br> DUMP TRUE<br> PROJECTION<br> "init=epsg:4326" <br>
END<br> TEMPLATE " "<br> TOLERANCE 5<br> GROUP map_ligne<br> TYPE LINE<br> STATUS ON<br> CONNECTIONTYPE OGR<br> CONNECTION "/home/projets/v3/projets/reunion/routes/route_frca_3_4.tab"<br>
CLASS<br> STYLE<br> COLOR 255 0 0<br> SYMBOL "line"<br> SIZE 4<br> MINSIZE 4<br> MAXSIZE 36<br> END<br>
STYLE<br> COLOR 250 250 200<br> SYMBOL "line"<br> SIZE 2<br> MINSIZE 2<br> MAXSIZE 22<br> END<br> END # END OF CLASS<br>
END<br>#######################################<br><br>-- <br>--------------------------------------------------------------------<br>Van De Casteele Arnaud<br>72 Rue de la colline des camélias 97400 Saint-Denis<br>0262 30 67 79 - 0692 23 73 17<br>
SIG - WebMapping - GPS embarqué<br>Site internet : <a href="http://cataloguesig.c-webhosting.org/">http://cataloguesig.c-webhosting.org/</a><br>