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<DIV>Hi Ben</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>If you can set up a view in SQL-Server with just the fields you need, then it simplifies things. Set up the OGR datasource config file just specifying the primary key and lat/long fields eg:</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV><OGRVRTDataSource><BR> <OGRVRTLayer name="apiaries"><BR> <SrcDataSource>ODBC:user/passwd@APIARY</SrcDataSource><BR> <SrcLayer>vw_ogr_apiary_layer</SrcLayer><BR> <GeometryType>wkbPoint</GeometryType><BR> <LayerSRS>EPSG:27200</LayerSRS><BR> <GeometryField encoding="PointFromColumns" x="x_nzmg" y="y_nzmg"/><BR> <FID>apiary_id</FID><BR> </OGRVRTLayer><BR></OGRVRTDataSource></DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>In your Mapserver file, the layer definition:</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV> LAYER<BR> NAME "apiaries"<BR> TYPE POINT<BR> UNITS METERS<BR> CONNECTION "./apiaries.ovf"<BR> CONNECTIONTYPE OGR<BR> DATA "apiaries"<BR> FILTER "WHERE apiary_id = '%apiaryid%'"<BR> STATUS ON</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>I pass an apiaryid is as a filter on my WFS call to this layer. Otherwise miss out the FILTER statement.</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>Kind regards,</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>Robert Sanson</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>Robert Sanson, BVSc, MACVSc, PhD<BR>Geospatial Services<BR>AsureQuality Limited<BR>PO Box 585, Palmerston North<BR>NEW ZEALAND<BR><BR>Phone: +64 6 351-7990<BR>Fax: +64 6 351-7919<BR>Mobile: 021 448-472<BR>E-mail: sansonr@asurequality.com<BR><BR>>>> Ben Madin <ben@remoteinformation.com.au> 27/09/2008 8:07 a.m. >>><BR>To follow up on this :</DIV>
<BLOCKQUOTE type="cite"><DEFANGHTML_SPAN class=Apple-style-span style="webkit-text-stroke-width: -1">The catch here is that to maintain compatibility with the rest of the system, I am using ms4w 1.5.5</DEFANGHTML_SPAN></BLOCKQUOTE>
<DIV>This was the problem.</DIV><BR>
<BLOCKQUOTE type="cite"><DEFANGHTML_SPAN class=Apple-style-span style="webkit-text-stroke-width: -1">1. How can I find if I am truly getting no points at all, or they are not displaying.</DEFANGHTML_SPAN></BLOCKQUOTE>
<DIV>I stumbled across an email reply from Frank W suggesting that the ogr link in mapserver didn't work properly for odbc in ogr 1.3.2, which is what was compiled into ms4w 1.5.5. Solution - try to upgrade.</DIV>
<BLOCKQUOTE type="cite">2. How do I set up expressions to specify that the third column in my sql statement (response) is the classitem and to class based on it.</BLOCKQUOTE>
<DIV>This was straight-forward enough once the SQL was working.</DIV>
<DIV>On 26/09/2008, at 2:47 PM, <A href="mailto:mapserver-users-request@lists.osgeo.org">mapserver-users-request@lists.osgeo.org</A> wrote:</DIV><BR class=Apple-interchange-newline>
<BLOCKQUOTE type="cite">
<DIV defanghtml_style="margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px;"><DEFANGHTML_SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: medium; FONT-FAMILY: 'Helvetica'"><B>From: </B></DEFANGHTML_SPAN><DEFANGHTML_SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: medium; FONT-FAMILY: 'Helvetica'">Ben Madin <<A href="mailto:ben@remoteinformation.com.au">ben@remoteinformation.com.au</A>><BR></DEFANGHTML_SPAN></DIV>
<DIV defanghtml_style="margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px;"><DEFANGHTML_SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: medium; FONT-FAMILY: 'Helvetica'"><B>Date: </B></DEFANGHTML_SPAN><DEFANGHTML_SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: medium; FONT-FAMILY: 'Helvetica'">26 September 2008 12:16:46 PM<BR></DEFANGHTML_SPAN></DIV>
<DIV defanghtml_style="margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px;"><DEFANGHTML_SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: medium; FONT-FAMILY: 'Helvetica'"><B>To: </B></DEFANGHTML_SPAN><DEFANGHTML_SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: medium; FONT-FAMILY: 'Helvetica'"><A href="mailto:mapserver-users@lists.osgeo.org">mapserver-users@lists.osgeo.org</A><BR></DEFANGHTML_SPAN></DIV>
<DIV defanghtml_style="margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px;"><DEFANGHTML_SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: medium; FONT-FAMILY: 'Helvetica'"><B>Subject: </B></DEFANGHTML_SPAN><DEFANGHTML_SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: medium; FONT-FAMILY: 'Helvetica'"><B>Re: [mapserver-users] RE:mapserver + MS SQL</B><BR></DEFANGHTML_SPAN></DIV><BR>G'day all,<BR><BR>I have a similar problem to this, but slightly more basic, and slightly more outdated!<BR><BR>I have a MS SQL table with investigations in, and the latitude and longitude of said investigations. I wanted to be able to make a map, using OGR / ODBC to connect to MS SQL, and display the points classed by the level of investigation.<BR><BR>I created the OGR connection :<BR><BR><OGRVRTDataSource><BR> <OGRVRTLayer name='mmapdata'><BR> <SrcDataSource>ODBC:mmap/private@mmap</SrcDataSource><BR> <SrcSQL>select rep.id, rep.latitude as latitude, rep.longitude as longitude, upper(left(rlu1.lookupfull,1))+substring(rlu1.lookupfull,2,len(rlu1.lookupfull)) as response from reports rep join results res1 on (res1.reportid = rep.id and res1.resulttypeid = 17 and res1.del=0) join resultlookup rlu1 on (rlu1.resulttypesid = 17 and rlu1.id = res1.resultvalue) where projectid = 30</SrcSQL><BR> <GeometryType>wkbPoint</GeometryType><BR> <GeometryField encoding='PointFromColumns' x='longitude' y='latitude'/><BR> </OGRVRTLayer><BR></OGRVRTDataSource><BR><BR>and tested it :<BR><BR>C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>C:\ms4w\tools\gdal-ogr\ogrinfo C:\ms4w\Apache\htdocs\mmap\mapserver\xot1.ovf -ro -al<BR>INFO: Open of `C:\ms4w\Apache\htdocs\mmap\mapserver\xot1.ovf'<BR>using driver `VRT' successful.<BR><BR>Layer name: mmapdata<BR>Geometry: Point<BR>Feature Count: 1978<BR>Extent: (0.000000, -43.173000) - (153.570000, 0.000000)<BR>Layer SRS WKT:<BR>(unknown)<BR>id: Integer (10.0)<BR>latitude: String (7.0)<BR>longitude: String (7.0)<BR>response: String (256.0)<BR>OGRFeature(mmapdata):0<BR> id (Integer) = 8887<BR> latitude (String) = -34.922<BR> longitude (String) = 138.599<BR> response (String) = Specimens sent to the Laboratory<BR> POINT (138.59899999999999 -34.921999999999997 0)<BR><BR>OGRFeature(mmapdata):1<BR> id (Integer) = 10128<BR> latitude (String) = -18.280<BR> longitude (String) = 143.530<BR> response (String) = Specimens sent to the Laboratory<BR> POINT (143.53 -18.28 0)<BR><BR>OGRFeature(mmapdata):2<BR> id (Integer) = 10129<BR> latitude (String) = -16.920<BR> longitude (String) = 145.770<BR> response (String) = Investigation<BR> POINT (145.77000000000001 -16.920000000000002 0)<BR><BR><BR>So far, so good.<BR><BR>Then I built it into a map file :<BR><BR>MAP<BR> EXTENT 110 -45 160 -8<BR> FONTSET "/ms4w/Apache/htdocs/mmap/mapserver//fonts/fontset.txt"<BR> IMAGECOLOR 203 230 255<BR> IMAGETYPE gif<BR> SYMBOLSET "/ms4w/Apache/htdocs/mmap/mapserver//symbols/colour.sym"<BR> SHAPEPATH "C:\ms4w\Apache\htdocs\mmap\mapserver"<BR> SIZE 600 600<BR> STATUS ON<BR> UNITS DD<BR> NAME "basemap"<BR><BR> OUTPUTFORMAT<BR> NAME "gif"<BR> MIMETYPE "image/gif"<BR> DRIVER "gd/gif"<BR> EXTENSION "gif"<BR> IMAGEMODE "PC256"<BR> TRANSPARENT FALSE<BR> END<BR><BR> LEGEND<BR> IMAGECOLOR 255 255 255<BR> KEYSIZE 20 8<BR> KEYSPACING 5 4<BR> LABEL<BR> ANGLE 0.000000<BR> ANTIALIAS TRUE<BR> FONT "lucida"<BR> MAXSIZE 256<BR> MINSIZE 4<BR> SIZE 7<BR> TYPE TRUETYPE<BR> BUFFER 2<BR> COLOR 0 0 0<BR> FORCE FALSE<BR> MINDISTANCE -1<BR> MINFEATURESIZE -1<BR> OFFSET 0 0<BR> OUTLINECOLOR 255 255 250<BR> PARTIALS TRUE<BR> POSITION UR<BR> SHADOWCOLOR 250 250 250<BR> SHADOWSIZE 2 2<BR> END<BR> POSITION LL<BR> STATUS EMBED<BR> TRANSPARENT TRUE<BR> END<BR><BR><BR> LAYER<BR> DATA "ausregion"<BR> GROUP "Australia"<BR> METADATA<BR> END<BR> NAME "ausregionlayer"<BR> SIZEUNITS DD<BR> STATUS DEFAULT<BR> TOLERANCEUNITS PIXELS<BR> TYPE POLYGON<BR> UNITS METERS<BR> CLASS<BR> METADATA<BR> END<BR> STYLE<BR> ANGLE 360<BR> COLOR 245 245 220<BR> SYMBOL 0<BR> END<BR> END<BR> END<BR><BR><BR> LAYER<BR> CONNECTION "<OGRVRTDataSource><BR> <OGRVRTLayer name='mmapdata'><BR> <SrcDataSource>ODBC:mmap/password@mmap</SrcDataSource><BR> <SrcSQL>select rep.latitude as latitude, rep.longitude as longitude, upper(left(rlu1.lookupfull,1))+substring(rlu1.lookupfull,2,len(rlu1.lookupfull)) as response from reports rep join results res1 on (res1.reportid = rep.id and res1.resulttypeid = 17 and res1.del=0) join resultlookup rlu1 on (rlu1.resulttypesid = 17 and rlu1.id = res1.resultvalue) where projectid = 30</SrcSQL><BR> <GeometryType>wkbPoint</GeometryType><BR> <GeometryField encoding='PointFromColumns' x='longitude' y='latitude'/><BR> </OGRVRTLayer><BR></OGRVRTDataSource>"<BR> CONNECTIONTYPE OGR<BR> DATA "mmapdata"<BR>CLASSITEM response<BR> METADATA<BR> END<BR> NAME ".xot1"<BR> SIZEUNITS PIXELS<BR> STATUS DEFAULT<BR> TOLERANCEUNITS PIXELS<BR> TYPE POINT<BR> UNITS METERS<BR> CLASS<BR> NAME "Field investigation"<BR> EXPRESSION "investigation"<BR> LABEL<BR> SIZE MEDIUM<BR> TYPE BITMAP<BR> BUFFER 0<BR> COLOR 0 0 0<BR> FORCE FALSE<BR> MINDISTANCE -1<BR> MINFEATURESIZE -1<BR> OFFSET 0 0<BR> PARTIALS FALSE<BR> POSITION AUTO<BR> END<BR> METADATA<BR> END<BR> STYLE<BR> ANGLE 360<BR> COLOR 166 206 227<BR> SIZE 10<BR> SYMBOL 1<BR> END<BR> END<BR><BR>etc<BR><BR>and try :<BR><BR>C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>c:\ms4w\tools\mapserv\shp2img.exe -m C:\ms4w\Apache\htdocs\nahis\mapserver\tmp\NAHISdf7c8a22c2b16b33730aa228fac405bb.map<BR>-l .xot1 -o C:\test.gif<BR>scalefactor = 12<BR><BR>and I get the map with the borders etc, but no points (the legend show up OK). Even if I remove the classitem and expressions, I still don't get any points.<BR></BLOCKQUOTE></DIV><BR>
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<DIV defanghtml_style="margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; ">Ben Madin</DIV>
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<DIV defanghtml_style="margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; font: normal normal normal 12px/normal Helvetica; min-height: 14px; "><A href="mailto:ben@remoteinformation.com.au">ben@remoteinformation.com.au</A></DIV>
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