Hello everyone...<br><br> I have one serious problem. My application is not running. Suddenly It happens.I dont know why?? Actually Problem is that If I run my program by simple typing the url then my system becomes hang(not hang actually it becomes to much slow).If I run http then my cpu load average is becoming 12.34 like that..(running the top command)but it should to be less than 2 always.And either Firefox or httpd is taking 99% cpu. And one more thing is that I got one message that Selinux is preventing the mislabelled files. If I disable Selinux then also my program is not running..Not running means it is coming after a long time. If I increased my server time out option to 60 from 30(default located in php.ini)then it is eventually coming after a long period. <br>
One More thing is that I have one image having extent 0,0,234,345.Now suppose I have latitude and longitude information of 4 corners of that picture. Now I want to change the extent of that picture .Is it possible?? <br>Usually We define the extent of map .it means that output extent. if I include projection lat long and give the lat long extent(which is not embeded with that input picture) the picture will come or not......because the extent should to be output extent.<br>
Actually we should to have raster data not image ..but suppose we have raster image as input, and o/p will be the same image.....<br><br><br>please help me.............help me plz...........<br>Thanks<br>Amiya<br>