<p>Hi<br>I have problems with symbol, this is my code:<br> <br>#Oneway nivel 4<br>LAYER<br> NAME 'calle'<br> MAXSCALE 5000<br> TYPE LINE<br> DATA 'calle.shp'<br> METADATA<br> 'wms_title' 'calle'<br>
END<br> STATUS DEFAULT<br> TRANSPARENCY 80<br> PROJECTION<br> 'proj=longlat'<br> 'ellps=WGS84'<br> 'datum=WGS84'<br> 'no_defs'<br> ''<br> END<br> CLASS<br> EXPRESSION ('[HWYLEVEL]' = '4' and '[ONEWAY]'='0')<br>
STYLE<br> SYMBOL 'flecha_ambos'<br> SIZE 4 <br> #ANGLE 190<br> #OUTLINECOLOR 161 189 196<br> #COLOR 0 0 0<br> END<br> END<br> <br>SYMBOL 'flecha_ambos' is a PNG image, my problem is that the image appears throughout the line. if i change the type of layer to POINT, the image don't follow the line.</p>
<p>attach image of the map..<br> <br>can somebody help me please.</p>