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i use a graphics program named "GrADS" to weather forecast data in GRIB2 format.<BR>
these plots are mostly of shaded contours.<BR>
In the past, Ive been able to create tile overlays for google maps, so that I can add my shaded contours of weather forecast data overlaid onto a google map. The process was very inefficient & slow, because the GrADS graphics program wasnt designed for this type of use, so I had to implement many workarounds.<BR>
I am wondering if mapserver has any native ability to produce such tiles with shaded contours/overlays from data that's stored in GRIB2 format?<BR>
has anything like this ever been done before???<BR>
an example would be creating a plot such as the following image.<BR>
<A href="http://charts.metcentral.com/nww3/bfc8790c6b820cd30410fce22673e420/6.png">http://charts.metcentral.com/nww3/bfc8790c6b820cd30410fce22673e420/6.png</A><BR>
minus the text surrounding the image, just the map and an overlay of contours & vector arrows that were created from data stored in a GRIB1/GRIB2 file.<BR>
is this remotely possible???<BR>
Please help,<BR>
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