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Thank you Steve, but where I have to put the line "item precision" in my html template?<br><br>> Date: Fri, 20 Mar 2009 10:03:22 -0500<br>> From: Steve.Lime@dnr.state.mn.us<br>> To: djabex@hotmail.com; mapserver-users@lists.osgeo.org<br>> Subject: Re: [mapserver-users] Limit of decimals number in cells of table<br>> <br>> You can use the [item ...] tag. For example,<br>> <br>> [item precision=2 name="someitemname"]<br>> <br>> Steve<br>> <br>> >>> On 3/20/2009 at 9:59 AM, in message<br>> <BLU102-W58CA0BD87C0B59C5B49EE3DF970@phx.gbl>, Alberto Fernández<br>> Sánchez<br>> <djabex@hotmail.com> wrote:<br>> <br>> > Hi friends,<br>> > It is possible to limit the decimals that appear in<br>> > the cells of the tables of my query template (Data of a map .shp)?<br>> For <br>> > example: "93.120000" to "93.12".<br>> > <br>> > Thank to all<br>> > <br>> > Alberto.<br>> > <br>> > _________________________________________________________________<br>> > Llévate Messenger en el móvil a todas partes ˇConéctate!<br>> > http://www.microsoft.com/spain/windowsmobile/messenger/default.mspx<br><br /><hr />Comparte tus fotos con tus amigos. Más fácil con <a href='http://download.live.com' target='_new'>Windows Live</a></body>