I am trying to create a layer that has a symbol, however, I want the symbol for each geometry to be based on a field from the database. For instance, I am trying to make a layer that would look something like this:<br><br>
LAYER<br> GROUP symbol_layer<br> TYPE point<br> STATUS on<br> CONNECTIONTYPE postgis<br> CONNECTION "<connection string>"<br> DATA "the_geom from (SELECT the_geom, symbol_img_url from foo) as foo using unique id using SRID=-1"<br>
CLASS<br> STYLE<br> SYMBOL "[symbol_img_url]"<br> END<br> END<br> END<br><br>Is something like this possible? If not, what part of the source would I have to edit in order to make it possible?<br>
<br>Thank you<br><br>-Adam<br>