.hmmessage P
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Hi <BR>
When i load my map file which can be seen below i can view the outline of map but the actual map displays as red. I am viewing the map via the mapserver.exe (e.g.<A href="http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe?mode=map&map=c:/ms4w/apps/openlayers-2.5/data/test.map&layer='map'">http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe?mode=map&map=c:/ms4w/apps/openlayers-2.5/data/test.map&layer='map'</A>)<BR>
Here is my map file, Can anyone spot were i am going wrong? any help greatly appreciated.<BR>
The uk.shp file i am attempting to load consists of .tiff images amd was put together using FWTools<BR>
MAP<BR>NAME test<BR> # Map image size<BR> SIZE 400 600<BR> IMAGECOLOR 249 245 186<BR> IMAGETYPE PNG24<BR> OUTPUTFORMAT<BR> NAME PNG24<BR> DRIVER 'GD/PNG'<BR> MIMETYPE 'image/PNG'<BR> #IMAGEMODE PC256<BR> EXTENSION 'png'<BR> END<BR> EXTENT -888385.321101 -31000.000000 1548385.321101 1271000.000000<BR> <BR> WEB<BR> IMAGEPATH "\ms4w\tmp\ms_tmp\"<BR> IMAGEURL "\ms_tmp\"<BR> METADATA<BR> WMS_SRS "EPSG:4326 EPSG:900913"<BR> END<BR> END<BR>
LAYER<BR> NAME 'map'<BR> DATA 'C:\ms4w\apps\openlayers-2.5\data\map.shp'<BR> TYPE polygon<BR> STATUS DEFAULT<BR> TRANSPARENCY 100<BR> PROJECTION<BR> 'proj=longlat'<BR> 'ellps=WGS84'<BR> 'datum=WGS84'<BR> 'no_defs'<BR> ''<BR> END<BR> CLASS<BR> NAME 'map'<BR> STYLE<BR> COLOR 255 0 0<BR> END<BR> LABEL <BR> TYPE bitmap<BR> END<BR> END<BR> END<BR>
<BR><br /><hr />
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