Hi mapserver users<br><br>I hope you can help with my questions. please<br><br>I have a LAN with two computers. One computer is installed MapServer and my second computer are my shapefiles <br><br>How can I get my shapefiles from my second computer?<br>
I have tried to do this (example) , but I couldn´t get my shapefile... <b>Is it possible to do this?.. </b>Note: I dont wanna use database, only files<br> <br><br>Example:<br><br> LAYER<br> NAME mybridge<br>
DATA "<b>//MYSECONDCOMPUTER/maps/bridge</b>"<br> STATUS ON<br> TYPE LINE<br> CLASS<br> NAME bridges<br> STYLE<br> COLOR 0 167 197<br> OUTLINECOLOR 218 218 218<br>
END<br> END<br>END<br><br><br><br>Thanks<br><br>Mauricio<br>