hello all,<br>I want to display a raster JPEG picture (about 100M) in ka-map through mapserver. However, when I set the outputformat to PNG or GIF in the mapfile, it looks ugly when zoomed out. It is a little better to use JPEG, although it is clear as the origin picture only being zoomed in enough. If I use JPEG as the output format, there is another problem ---only the layer above others can be displayed (I want to display all chosen layers). Any body can help me? Some codes about the raster layer in my mapfile are as following:<br>
<br clear="all">IMAGETYPE jpeg<br>OUTPUTFORMAT<br>NAME jpeg<br>DRIVER "GD/JPEG"<br>MIMETYPE "image/jpeg"<br>IMAGEMODE RGBA<br>EXTENSION "jpg"<br>TRANSPARENT on<br>FORMATOPTION QUALITY=100Â Â Â Â Â #value=0-100<br>
END<br>layer<br>name test<br>type raster<br>status on<br>data "data/20km.jpg"<br>class<br>name "outline"<br>outlinecolor 255 0 0<br>end<br>end<br>end<br>BTW, I can not set class name as Chinese characters, otherwise it will become disorderly codes in ka-map. Any suggestion are welcome. My operating system is FreeBSD7.1Release, my locale is UTF-8.<br>
<br><br><br><br><br>-- <br>天é“酬勤<br>