Hi,<br><br>I would like to make some user specific sql-queries via url.<br>The Data line in the mapfile looks like:<br>DATA "geom from (select st_setsrid(the_geom,900913) as geom, gid from
ways where gid in (3137, 3138, 3139) ) as a using unique gid using
srid=900913"<br><br>"gid" are parts of a street. These parts are chosen by the user in the html-website. After that the sql-query have to be changed in mapfile. But how to do that?<br><br><br><br>regards<br>
m.sirin<br><br><br> LAYER<br> SYMBOLSCALE 50000<br> NAME 'street' # Layer-Name, der in OpenLayers aufgerufen wird<br> TYPE LINE<br> STATUS DEFAULT<br><br> CONNECTIONTYPE postgis # Verbindung zur PostGIS-Datenbank<br>
CONNECTION "user=xxx password=xxx dbname=routing host=localhost port=5432"<br> DATA "geom from (select st_setsrid(the_geom,900913) as geom, gid from ways where gid in (3137, 3138, 3139) ) as a using unique gid using srid=900913"<br>
<br> CLASSITEM 'gid'<br> DUMP TRUE <br> CLASS<br> STYLE<br> SYMBOL 'circle'<br> SIZE 9<br> MINSIZE 9<br> MAXSIZE 15<br>
COLOR 0 0 200<br> END<br> END<br> END<br><br>