Hello All,<br><br>I am a newcomer to this list so forgive me if I make any blunders.<br>I am trying to render a map image from mapserver using a tif file which has a georeferencing .tab file in the same folder and I am getting nowhere with it. The tab file content is as follows:<br>
<br>======= TAB File ==================<br>!table<br>!version 300<br>!charset WindowsLatin1<br><br>Definition Table<br> File "MiniScalenogrid.tif"<br> Type "RASTER"<br> (0,0) (0,13000) Label "Pt 1",<br>
(700000,0) (7000,13000) Label "Pt 2",<br> (700000,1300000) (7000,0) Label "Pt 3",<br> (0,1300000) (0,0) Label "Pt 4"<br> CoordSys Earth Projection 8, 79, "m", -2, 49, 0.9996012717, 400000, -100000<br>
Units "m"<br> RasterStyle 7 0<br><br>========Tab File ends =======================<br><br>The mapfile is below:<br><br>========== Map file =========================<br><br>MAP<br> NAME "osminiscale"<br>
# Map image size<br> SIZE 800 800<br> UNITS meters<br><br> EXTENT 41069.1 -1149.02 665378.01 1231178.57<br> FONTSET './etc/fonts.txt'<br> SYMBOLSET './etc/symbols.sym'<br> PROJECTION<br> 'init=epsg:27700'<br>
END<br><br> # Background color for the map canvas -- change as desired<br> IMAGECOLOR 255 255 255<br> IMAGEQUALITY 95<br> IMAGETYPE png<br><br> OUTPUTFORMAT<br> NAME png<br> DRIVER 'GD/PNG'<br> MIMETYPE 'image/png'<br>
IMAGEMODE RGBA<br> EXTENSION 'png'<br> END<br> # Legend<br> LEGEND<br> IMAGECOLOR 255 255 255<br> STATUS OFF<br> KEYSIZE 18 12<br> LABEL<br> TYPE BITMAP<br> SIZE MEDIUM<br> COLOR 0 0 89<br>
END<br> END<br><br> # Web interface definition. Only the template parameter<br> # is required to display a map. See MapServer documentation<br> WEB<br> # Set IMAGEPATH to the path where MapServer should<br> # write its output.<br>
IMAGEPATH '/tmp/'<br><br> # Set IMAGEURL to the url that points to IMAGEPATH<br> # as defined in your web server configuration<br> IMAGEURL '/tmp/'<br><br> # WMS server settings<br> METADATA<br>
'ows_title' 'miniscale'<br> 'ows_onlineresource' '<a href="http://www.foobar.com/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe?map=D:/ms4w/Apache/cgi-bin/osminiscale.map">http://www.foobar.com/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe?map=D:/ms4w/Apache/cgi-bin/osminiscale.map</a>'<br>
'ows_srs' 'EPSG:27700'<br> END<br><br> #Scale range at which web interface will operate<br> # Template and header/footer settings<br> # Only the template parameter is required to display a map. See MapServer documentation<br>
TEMPLATE 'fooOnlyForWMSGetFeatureInfo'<br> END<br><br> LAYER<br> NAME 'MiniScalenogrid'<br> TYPE RASTER<br> DUMP true<br> TEMPLATE fooOnlyForWMSGetFeatureInfo<br> EXTENT 41069.1 -1149.02 665378.01 1231178.57<br>
DATA 'D:/opendata/minisc_gb/MiniScale/data/MiniScalenogrid.tif'<br> METADATA<br> 'ows_title' 'MiniScalenogrid'<br> 'ows_srs' 'EPSG:27700'<br> END<br>
STATUS OFF<br> TRANSPARENCY 100<br> PROJECTION<br> 'init=epsg:27700'<br> END<br> END<br><br> LAYER<br> NAME 'MiniScalewithgrid'<br> TYPE RASTER<br> DUMP true<br> TEMPLATE fooOnlyForWMSGetFeatureInfo<br>
EXTENT 41069.1 -1149.02 665378.01 1231178.57<br> DATA 'D:/opendata/minisc_gb/MiniScale/data/MiniScalewithgrid.tif'<br> METADATA<br> 'ows_title' 'MiniScalewithgrid'<br> 'ows_srs' 'EPSG:27700'<br>
END<br> STATUS OFF<br> TRANSPARENCY 100<br> PROJECTION<br> 'init=epsg:27700'<br> END<br> END<br><br>END<br><br><br>============ Map File ends ==========================<br><br>I am not getting an image from the map server and have run shp2img with the following results:<br>
<br>msProcessProjection(): Projection library error. unknown elliptical parameter name <br><br>Any clues or pointers would be great.<br><br>Thanks<br><br>Burnsy<br>