Hello,<br>I have a funky raster I'm trying to tile as jpegs. For whatever reason this RGB raster has white pixels on the source raster which should be black. Is it possible to set only these white pixels to be black on the output jpeg? I was playing around with the CLASS directive. This sets all those white pixels to black, but it does not preserve the rest of the rgb that I want to use; those "good" values are not processed and show as blank (white) space. How do I do this? I thought of preprocessing this with gdalwarp but the raster becomes too large (source is an ecw) on output so need to do it on-the-fly with mapserver (I'm using mapserver trunk and gdal 1.8 on linux).<br>
<br>Thanks!<br>Matt<br><br>OUTPUTFORMAT<br> NAME jpeg<br> DRIVER "AGG/JPEG"<br> MIMETYPE "image/jpeg"<br> IMAGEMODE RGB<br> EXTENSION "jpg"<br>END<br><br>LAYER<br> NAME "test"<br>
TYPE RASTER<br> STATUS ON<br> DATA "/test.tif"<br><br> PROJECTION<br> "init=epsg:2230"<br> END<br><br> PROCESSING "NODATA=255"<br><br> CLASS<br>
NAME "set white to black"<br>
EXPRESSION ([red] = 255 AND [green] = 255 AND [blue] = 255)<br>
COLOR 0 0 0<br>