Hi everybody!<br><br>I get the following error when I try to consume a MapServer WMS service:<br><br><b>One or more layers failed to draw:<br><br>Servicio WMS Cartografia Basica 1:500.000: WMS service exceptions:-Service Error Code:InvalidFormat<br>
Service Error Description: msWMSLoadGetMapParams(): WMS server error. Invalid format for the EXCEPTION parameter.<br>-Service Error Code:InvalidFormat</b><br><br>This error description is taken from ArcMap, but I have problems in gvSIG and QuantumGIS too. <br>
<br>The error seems to be related with a tag in METADATA definition of <b>"wms_exceptions_format"</b>. Here is my METADATA tags:<br><br>METADATA<br> "wms_title" "Servicio WMS Cartografia Basica 1:500.000"<br>
"wms_abstract" "Servicio WMS de Cartografia Basica a escala 1:500.000. No esta permitida la descarga masiva de porciones de cartografia." <br> "wms_keywordlist" "Cartografia Basica"<br>
"wms_onlineresource" "<a href="http://geoservice.igac.gov.co/IGACwms">http://geoservice.igac.gov.co/IGACwms</a>?"<br> "wms_contactperson" "Luis Fernando Ortiz Reyes"<br>
"wms_contactorganization" "***"<br> "wms_contactposition" "***"<br> "wms_addresstype" "postal"<br> "wms_address" "***"<br>
"wms_city" "BOGOTA DC"<br> "wms_stateorprovince" "BOGOTA DC"<br> "wms_postcode" "11001000"<br> "wms_country" "COLOMBIA"<br>
"wms_contactvoicetelephone" "***"<br> "wms_contactfacsimiletelephone" "***"<br> "wms_contactelectronicmailaddress" "***"<br>
"wms_fees" "none"<br> "wms_accessconstraints" "none"<br> "wms_srs" "EPSG:4326"<br> "wms_feature_info_mime_type" "text/html"<br>
<b> "wms_exceptions_format" "application/vnd.ogc.se_blank"</b><br> "version" "any string"<br> "ows_schemas_location" "<a href="http://serviciaf.igac.gov.co">http://serviciaf.igac.gov.co</a>" <br>
END # Metadata<br clear="all"><br><br>Any idea of what I have to put there? Or this error has another cause?<br><br>Clients like ArcMap or gvSIG take by default 1.3.0 as the version of the WMS service. This could be the problem too. When I select the 1.1.1 version of service in ArcMap, the WMS works well. <br>
<br>I've been reading in many sites, and it seems to be a frequent error. I hope you know how to solve it.<br><br>Best regards,<br><br>-- <br>LUIS FERNANDO ORTIZ REYES<br>INGENIERO DE SISTEMAS<br>UNIVERSIDAD DISTRITAL<br>