Hi all.<br><br>We're in process of developing robust eGov solution including GIS (using mapserver/postgis/pgrouting :) ).<br>This municipality has 1.059 km2.<br><br>Do you have any recommendation on where to purchase satellite imagery, and which scale/resolution do you recommend. Basic GIS usage is TAX calculation based on more than 70 parameters (mostly including distances to important institutions and road types etc...). This is based on vector data, but great imagery is also in client's interest.<br>
Some estimated prices per km2 would be nice, too, 'cause I need to give some numbers to the client.<br><br>I've googled around, but would like some info from firsthand users. Quickbird has a resolution of 0,6 meter, but I guess that would be overkill (and overpriced for client)<br>
<br>Thanks!<br> <h1 class="ha"><span id=":4d" class="hP"></span></h1>