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You may want to investigate the ST_Intersection functionality in PostGIS. This allows you to create a new geometry from the intersection of the EEA regions and the countries.<br><br>http://postgis.refractions.net/docs/ST_Intersection.html<br><br>Regards,<br><br>Edward<br><br><br><div>Date: Thu, 7 Jul 2011 11:44:29 +0200<br>From: jcigar@ulb.ac.be<br>To: mapserver-users@lists.osgeo.org<br>Subject: [mapserver-users] merging shapefiles<br><br><pre>Hello,<br> <br>I have an (OpenLayers) map with two layers:<br> <br>- Country (as a base layer)<br>- EEA<br> <br>You can see the output here:<br><a href="http://home.bebif.be/%7Ejcigar/map.jpg" target="_blank">http://home.bebif.be/~jcigar/map.jpg</a><br> <br>The "Country" layer contains just the borders of the countries, and the <br>"EEA" layer (the colorized areas) contains environmental areas.<br> <br>What I'd like to do is to select a polygon within a country for a <br>specific zone. For example I would like to "select part of Belgium with <br>the Atlantic EEA (in blue)", which is the north of Belgium. I also need <br>to save some information in the database for the polygon (I'm using <br>Mapserver/PostGIS).<br> <br>What would be the best way to do this? Would you "merge" the two layers <br>into one (be creating new polygons)?<br> <br>thanks,<br>Julien<br> <br>-- <br>No trees were killed in the creation of this message.<br>However, many electrons were terribly inconvenienced.<br></pre><br>_______________________________________________
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