Hi, I'm a newbee for GIS. I have a posgis database on my working environment(template_postgis). i need to retrieve "the_geom" column from a table named "cmb_roads_rda". following is my map file (test.map). <br>
<b>MAP<br> IMAGETYPE PNG<br> EXTENT -97.238976 41.619778 -82.122902 49.385620<br> SIZE 900 900 <br> IMAGECOLOR 255 255 143<br><br><br> LAYER <br> NAME cmb_roads_rda<br> CONNECTIONTYPE postgis <br>
NAME "cmb_roads_rda"<br> CONNECTION "user=postgres password=817888 port=5432 dbname=template_postgis host=localhost"<br> DATA "the_geom from cmb_roads_rda" <br> STATUS ON<br>
DEBUG ON<br> TYPE LINE<br> <br> CLASS<br> NAME "cmb_roads_rda"<br><br> STYLE<br> COLOR 232 232 266<br> OUTLINECOLOR 32 32 33<br> <br> END<br>
END<br>END <br> <br><br>END <br><br></b>I call this map file by calling the following link --> <a href="http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv?map=/var/www/db/test.map&layer=states&mode=map">http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv?map=/var/www/db/test.map&layer=states&mode=map</a><br>
but it <b>only generates a yellow color layer on </b>the browser and not displaying "the_geom" data.<br>I'm using mapserver 5.6.6 with apashe2 webserver on linux mint.<br>Please be kind to help on this issue. Thank you so much. <br>
<br clear="all"><b><br></b>-- <br>Me on Web<br><a href="http://dushan888.wordpress.com" target="_blank">http://dushan888.wordpress.com</a><br><a href="http://www.twitter.com/Dushi" target="_blank">http://www.twitter.com/Dushi</a><br>
<a href="http://identi.ca/dushi" target="_blank">http://identi.ca/dushi</a><br>