I have a reasonably large grey-scale geotiff file with elevation data (float32). I would like to<br>display a colorized version of this map. The colors need to be computed dynamically because<br>the data range varies considerably with the zoom factor. I am using mapserevr 5.6.3 but am<br>
willing to upgrade if this would solve my problems.<br><br>So far I tried the following:<br><br>IMAGETYPE png<br>SIZE 740 550<br><br>LAYER<br> DATA "xxx.tif" <br> NAME xxx <br>
OFFSITE 255 255 255<br> STATUS ON<br> TYPE RASTER<br> PROCESSING "SCALE=AUTO"<br>END<br><br>This works (no color of course) but seems to scale always several 256x256 pixel regions independently<br>
<br>Adding <br><br>CLASS<br> STYLE<br> COLORRANGE 255 0 0 0 0 255<br> DATARANGE 0 1000<br> END<br>END<br><br>works but not dynamically. Adding <br><br>PROCESSING "SCALE=0,1000"<br><br>also does not help. I had hoped that the data would be scaled before colors were added but<br>
it seems the colorization always acts on the original data values.<br><br>For now something like <br><br>DATARANGE auto<br><br>would be enough, having mapserver compute min and max value of the selected area and then <br>
adding colors accordingly.<br><br>All suggestions are welcome. (Especially those which do not require writing patches.)<br><br>Thanks in advance<br><br>- Till<br><br><br>