Hi,<br><br>I installed MapServer 6.0.1 on Windows XP from MS4W. I cannot give you access to my MapServer instance but I can show you what "-v" gives me :<br><br>MapServer version 6.0.1 OUTPUT=GIF OUTPUT=PNG OUTPUT=JPEG OUTPUT=KML SUPPORTS=PR<br>
RTS=GEOS INPUT=JPEG INPUT=POSTGIS INPUT=OGR INPUT=GDAL INPUT=SHAPEFILE<br><br>I am able to generate a GeoTiff file through the use of a WMS service (see attachment : wmsoutput.tif). The request is :<br><br><a href="http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe?SERVICE=WMS&map=D:/Guillaume/ProjetCourantsGlaces/WCSproblem/2011102811.map&LAYERS=thelayer&VERSION=1.1.1&REQUEST=GetMap&bbox=-67.5,48.922499263758255,-64.6875,50.736455137010665&SRS=EPSG:4326&WIDTH=256&HEIGHT=256&FORMAT=GTiff">http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe?SERVICE=WMS&map=D:/Guillaume/ProjetCourantsGlaces/WCSproblem/2011102811.map&LAYERS=thelayer&VERSION=1.1.1&REQUEST=GetMap&bbox=-67.5,48.922499263758255,-64.6875,50.736455137010665&SRS=EPSG:4326&WIDTH=256&HEIGHT=256&FORMAT=GTiff</a><br>
<br>However, I cannot do so with a WCS service. I first tried with :<br><br><a href="http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe?SERVICE=WCS&map=D:/Guillaume/ProjetCourantsGlaces/WCSproblem/2011102811.map&IDENTIFIER=thelayer&VERSION=1.0.0&REQUEST=GetCoverage&BBOX=-67.5,48.922499263758255,-64.6875,50.736455137010665&CRS=EPSG:4326&WIDTH=256&HEIGHT=256&FORMAT=GTiff">http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe?SERVICE=WCS&map=D:/Guillaume/ProjetCourantsGlaces/WCSproblem/2011102811.map&IDENTIFIER=thelayer&VERSION=1.0.0&REQUEST=GetCoverage&BBOX=-67.5,48.922499263758255,-64.6875,50.736455137010665&CRS=EPSG:4326&WIDTH=256&HEIGHT=256&FORMAT=GTiff</a><br>
<br>, to which I can add :<br><br>&RESPONSE_CRS=EPSG:4326<br><br>for the same result (since 4326 is my native projection). Said result is not a tiff file, but an error : <br><br><?xml version='1.0' encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?><br>
<ServiceExceptionReport version="1.2.0"<br>xmlns="<a href="http://www.opengis.net/ogc">http://www.opengis.net/ogc</a>" xmlns:xsi="<a href="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance</a>" xsi:schemaLocation="<a href="http://www.opengis.net/ogc">http://www.opengis.net/ogc</a> <a href="http://schemas.opengis.net/wcs/1.0.0/OGC-exception.xsd">http://schemas.opengis.net/wcs/1.0.0/OGC-exception.xsd</a>"><br>
<ServiceException code="NoApplicableCode" locator="bbox">msWCSGetCoverage(): WCS server error. Requested BBOX (-178.835708198757,2803.05273104522,179.552848002437,2906.98474680556) is outside requested coverage BBOX (-70,45,-55,52)<br>
</ServiceException><br></ServiceExceptionReport><br><br>This error doesn't make sense to me. Which projection is it using to get these silly values? Anyway, the BBOX in the request is definitely included in the extent... Now what if I change the Response_CRS? I would expect it to give me the same error, since it doesn't affect the requested BBOX. Yet, this time no error is produced and I obtain a tiff file (see attachment : wcsoutput.tif). The data is all wrong (0 everywhere), though. And if I open both WMS and WCS obtained tiffs in QuantumGIS, they appear nowhere near each other (for the same bbox... yes).<br>
<br>I attached the results of GetCapabilities and DescribeCoverage requests as well as the MapServer logs (modified to map logs with requests). The data source is an HDF5 file (see attachment : data.h5). I suspect an issue on MapServer's side but I would be happy if you could tell me it's all my fault (and how to fix it).<br>
<br>Oh, a last thing : it may or may not be related. I had issues with the KML/KMZ WMS outputformats. Results for epsg:4326 and epsg:900913 were completely different (and wrong, of course). I might open a new discussion on this subject at some point.<br>
<br>Thank you all for your help.<br>Guillaume Loiselle<br><br>P.S. : If you want to test, know that epsg:900913 is the same as epsg:3857 (which is more likely to be in your epsg reference file).<br>