Happy new year<br><br>I am wanting to run a wide line down the coast of a map (to cover up some less then perfect data underneath).<br><br>Basically I want to draw a thin blue line for the coast, and a thick (say 1000px) light blue line to the right to cover the ocean.<br>
<br>I have tried parallel lines (using Offset) but this gave a messy result.<br>So I have now tried using a symbol to fill the area to the right of the line. This works OK but I seem to be limited to the size.<br><br>Any other better idea on how to solve this issue??<br>
<br><br>this is the relevant section of the map file for the attached image.<br> CLASS<br> EXPRESSION 'coastline'<br> STYLE<br> COLOR 181 209 240<br> SYMBOL "coastline"<br>
SIZE 500<br> WIDTH 1 <br> #LINEJOIN miter<br> #OFFSET 14 14<br> END # STYLE<br> STYLE<br> COLOR 100 100 255<br> WIDTH 2<br> END # STYLE<br> END<br><br>
SYMBOL<br> NAME "coastline"<br> TYPE vector<br> FILLED true<br> POINTS<br> 0 500<br> 0 1000<br> 500 1000<br> 500 500<br> END # POINTS<br>END # SYMBOL<br><br clear="all">Matt :)<br>