Hi List,<br><br>Is it possible to receive a non-square tile, or collection of tiles, from a WMS query? I'm using openlayers to send a WMS query based on a user-chosen extent of a rectangular polygon. My javascript is as follows:<br>
<br> WMSLayer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS( <br> "layerName",<br> "wms_server", <br> {layers: 'roads', },<br> {'maxExtent': polygonBounds} <br>
);<br><br>The initial part of my .map file is:<br><br>MAP <br> NAME "roads" <br> UNITS meters<br> EXTENT -850000 495000 -890000 500000 <br>
SIZE 256 256<br> STATUS OFF<br> DEBUG ON<br> <br>and I am returning information from a raster.The query returns a WMS layer fine, but only three of the four sides of the polygon have the correct extents, and the WMS layer is a square. I've tried to illustrated this in the below diagram:<br>
<br>X = requested<br>_____________<br>| |<br>| XXXX |<br>| XXXX |<br>| |<br>---------------------<br><br>Y = returned<br>_____________<br>| YYYY |<br>
| YYYY |<br>| YYYY |<br>| |<br>----------------------<br><br>I've tried adjusting the SIZE values but this does not seem to change the limit. The extents are definitely correct, as I've used them for querying non-WMS data that is displayed in-browser. When I subtracted a value from the "bound.top" value in Openlayers, the correct values were returned, but this did not seem like the right way to fix the problem. I'd appreciate any suggestions!<br>
<br>Thanks,<br>David<br><br> <br>