Hi,<br><br>I'm working with Mapserver, openlayers and mapfish on linux Debian. I have added a option in map application to get information from a map by click on it. <br><br>toolbar.addControl(new OpenLayers.Control.WMSGetFeatureInfo({<br>
isDefault: true,<br> title: 'Info'<br> }),<br> {<br> iconCls: 'query',<br> toggleGroup: 'map'<br> });<br> <br> toolbar.activate();<br clear="all">
<br><br>But when i click on one point for example it is looking but doesn't shoe anything and when looking at the fireburg result I found this <br><br><pre><code class="wrappedText focusRow">msWMSFeatureInfo(): WMS server error. Unsupported INFO_FORMAT value (text/html).<br>
<br>I ask me if this is a problem with mapserver or with openlayers, any help please.<br><br>thanks in advance.</code><br><br><br>regards,<br><br>Karina Guardado<br><br>El Salvador <br></pre>