.hmmessage P
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Hi ALL,<br><br>I created a map file by using QGIS and when I run on web page it gives this error: msDrawMap(): Image handling error. Failed to draw layer named 'mjcities'.
msLoadMSRasterBufferFromFile(): General error message. unable to open file /wwwroot/QGISMap/circle for reading<br><br>And file is below:<br><br>LAYER<br> NAME 'mjcities'<br> TYPE POINT<br> DUMP true<br> TEMPLATE fooOnlyForWMSGetFeatureInfo<br> EXTENT -143.208273 40.594930 -50.461099 84.277660<br> DATA '../Data/mjcities.shp'<br> METADATA<br> 'ows_title' 'mjcities'<br> END<br> STATUS DEFAULT<br> TRANSPARENCY 100<br> PROJECTION<br> 'proj=longlat'<br> 'datum=WGS84'<br> 'no_defs'<br> END<br> CLASS<br> <font style="" color="#FF0000"> NAME 'mjcities' </font><font style="" color="#FF0000"><br></font><font style="" color="#FF0000"> STYLE</font><font style="" color="#FF0000"><br></font><font style="" color="#FF0000"> SYMBOL "circle"</font><font style="" color="#FF0000"><br></font><font style="" color="#FF0000"> SIZE 7.0</font><font style="" color="#FF0000"><br></font><font style="" color="#FF0000"> OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0</font><font style="" color="#FF0000"><br></font><font style="" color="#FF0000"> COLOR 0 0 255</font><br><br>Could you please help me about this issue? Thanks<br> </div></body>