Hi,<br>I'm try-ing to load on Mapserver trunk version a raster loaded on Postgis 2.0.<br><br>Mapserver is using the gdal to access the raster,<br>but something seem don't work.<br>The load report this message that I guess is due to the gdal driver:<br>
<br>>[Fri Mar 16 15:15:37 2012].722903 LoadGDALImage(ofc10k_single): NODATA value 0 in GDAL<br>>file or PROCESSING directive largely ignored. Not yet fully supported for<br>>unclassified scaled data. The NODATA value is excluded from auto-scaling<br>
>min/max computation, but will not be transparent.<br><br>I use this settings in the MapFile:<br><br> LAYER<br> NAME "ofc10k_single"<br> STATUS ON<br> EXTENT 1559445 4921905 1566395 4927805<br> TYPE raster<br>
DATA "PG: ..... mode='2'"<br> PROCESSING "SCALE_1=0,255"<br> PROCESSING "SCALE_2=0,255"<br> PROCESSING "SCALE_3=0,255"<br> PROCESSING "RESAMPLE=NEAREST"<br>
PROJECTION<br> "init=epsg:3003"<br> END<br> METADATA<br> "wms_title" "OFC 1:10.000 single"<br> "wms_srs" "EPSG:3003 EPSG:4326"<br> END<br> OFFSITE 0 0 0<br>
OPACITY 100<br>END<br clear="all"><br>Is the<br> PROCESSING "SCALE_1=0,255"<br>
a supported option ?<br><br>thx,<br><br>-- <br>-----------------<br>Andrea Peri<br>. . . . . . . . . <br>qwerty àèìòù<br>-----------------<br><br>