I've used mapserver before. Although it was an older version. I was just trying to set it up again on my computer. I ran the hello_world example from Bill Kropla's book. It worked fine. But when I'm trying to run the first.map, there are no errors in the logs. I checked both mapserver error log and the lighttpd error log. But the image displayed only comprises of the background color specified in the mapfile. No actual image is generated from the shapefile data provided. There are no errors either logged so I can't debug. Its been 5 days now. I have tried many methods to debug but I have failed always. Attached is mapfile and the corresponding html file. please help.<br>
<br><br>Mapfile:<br><br>MAP<br> NAME "First"<br> CONFIG "MS_ERRORFILE" "/var/www/tmp/ms_error.txt"<br> CONFIG "PROJ_DEBUG" "ON"<br> CONFIG "CPL_DEBUG" "ON"<br>
SIZE 1024 768<br> IMAGECOLOR 111 111 111<br> IMAGETYPE jpeg<br> SHAPEPATH /var/www/Delhi/<br> EXTENT 76.898503 28.410443 77.337521 28.862691<br> WEB <br> TEMPLATE '/var/www/first.html'<br>
IMAGEPATH '/var/www/tmp/'<br> IMAGEURL '/tmp/'<br> END<br> LAYER<br> NAME "Highways"<br> DEBUG 5<br> STATUS ON<br> TYPE LINE<br> DATA asia_southern_asia_india_delhi_highway<br>
LABELITEM "NAME"<br> CLASS<br> STYLE<br> OUTLINECOLOR 123 0 0<br> COLOR 0 255 0<br> END<br> LABEL<br> COLOR 255 0 0<br> SIZE SMALL<br> END<br>
END<br> END<br>END<br>END<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>Template and initialization html file:<br><br><!-- Mapserver Template --><br><html><br><head><title>MapServer First Map</title></head><br>
<body><br> <form method=POST action="/mapserv"><br> <input type="submit" value="Click Me"><br> <input type="hidden" name="map" value="/var/www/mapfiles/first.map"><br>
<input type="hidden" name="map_web_imagepath" value=""><br> </form><br> <IMG SRC="[img]" width=1024 height=768 border=10><br></body><br></html><br>
<br><br><br><br>The paths seem to be fine as I'm using the same paths I used while running hello_world and it ran fine. Please help. <br>