Hello guys!<div>I need your help with my quest!</div><div>I want to add in my basemaps build a new layer which is a global water. It is just the polygon with blue color which has 4 points. Where and how to should I do this? I've already done ocean.map and put it on basemaps directory. </div>
<div>It looks like:</div><div><div>LAYER</div><div> NAME "ocean"</div><div> GROUP "default" </div><div> STATUS ON</div><div> TYPE POLYGON</div><div> PROJECTION</div><div> "init=epsg:3857"</div>
<div> END</div><div> METADATA</div><div> "wfs_title" "World ocean" ##REQUIRED</div><div> "wfs_srs" "EPSG:3395" ## REQUIRED</div><div> END</div><div> FEATURE</div>
<div> POINTS -20037508.3428 -15496570.7397 20037508.3428 -15496570.7397 20037508.3428 18764656.2314 -20037508.3428 18764656.2314 -20037508.3428 -15496570.7397 END</div><div> END</div><div> CLASS</div><div> STYLE</div>
<div> COLOR "#99B3CC"</div><div> END</div><div> END</div><div>END</div><div><br></div><div>Should I change generate_style.py before a making osm-google.map? </div><div>P.S I know about IMAGECOLOR parameter with transparent=off but I have a problem with transparency mode. My client has always TRANSPARENT=TRUE. As I know if TRANSPARENT enable IMAGECOLOR will be disable. </div>
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