.hmmessage P
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Hi all,<BR> <BR>when I try to edit my projection to a LCC from a UTM in my mapfile my map fails to show up when I launch my mapserver link.<BR> <BR>Here is the first part of the mapfile...<BR> <BR>BEFORE:<BR> <BR>MAP<br> NAME "QGIS-MAP"<br> # Map image size<br> SIZE 500 500<br> UNITS meters<BR> EXTENT -143 39 -50 85<br> FONTSET "/wwwroot/fonts/fontset.txt"<br> SYMBOLSET "/wwwroot/symbols/symbols.sty"<br> PROJECTION<br> 'proj=longlat'<br> 'datum=WGS84'<br> 'no_defs'<br> END<BR> <BR>AFTER:<BR> <BR>MAP<br> NAME "QGIS-MAP"<br> # Map image size<br> SIZE 500 500<br> UNITS dd<BR> EXTENT -143 39 -50 85<br> FONTSET "/wwwroot/fonts/fontset.txt"<br> SYMBOLSET "/wwwroot/symbols/symbols.sty"<br> PROJECTION<br> "proj=lcc"<br> "ellps=GRS80"<br> "lat_0=49"<br> "lon_0=-95"<br> "lat_1=49"<br> "lat_2=77"<br> "datum=NAD83"<br> "units=m"<br> "no_defs"<BR> END<BR> <BR>I'm not sure how to fix this...any suggestions? As i'm still fairly new at this.<br>Mark<BR> </div></body>