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Racked my brain on this last Friday, couldn't get anything to work from a Mapserver Mapfile.<br>
I can get the numbers from POSTGIS just fine via PGADMIN, but they come back as a BOX entity which MapServer doesn't seem to know what to do with. I tried casting but got no matching records.<br>
MAPFILE fragment . . .<br>
DATA "the_geom from (<br>
st_extent(sub1.the_geom)::geometry as the_geom<br>
loc_last as sub1<br>
vname in (%asset_id%) -- vname in ('2293','2297')
) as subquery using unique the_geom using srid=200068"<br>
In pgadmin, the above select returns polygon (per st_astext applied) The subselect is grabbing a couple of points based on asset_id(s).<br>