<div dir="ltr">I'm trying to use the scaletoken with a raster layer that is represented by a combination of full resolution tiles (tileindex) and a stack of merged lower resolution geotiffs. Is is possible to use the scaletoken to use a combination of a TILEINDEX and DATA to call the source data?  From the error log it appears to expect one or the other (DATA or TILEINDEX)<div><br></div><div>   LAYER</div><div>    NAME spot_z16</div><div>    METADATA</div><div>      wms_title "Zone 16 Spot"</div><div>      wms_extent "275997 5109997 732003 6304003"</div><div>    END</div><div>    TYPE RASTER</div><div>    PROCESSING "RESAMPLE=BILINEAR"</div><div>    OFFSITE 0 0 0</div><div>    PROJECTION</div><div>      "init=epsg:26916"</div><div>    END</div><div>    SCALETOKEN</div><div>      NAME "%pri%"</div><div>      VALUES</div><div>        "0" "spot_z16_rgb_2km_tindex"</div><div>        "100000" "z16_rgb_24m_mosaic"</div><div>        "800000" "z16_rgb_192m_mosaic"</div><div>      END</div><div>    END</div><div>    TILEINDEX "/maps/spot_tindex/%pri%"</div><div>    DATA "/maps/spot_overalls/%pri%.tif"</div><div>  END</div></div>