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<div style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Calibri,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 12pt; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">
<span><span>Dear all.<br>
<div>I'm coding Java MapScript program as servlet webapp of Tomcat (on Windows), using "javamapscript.dll" and "mapscript.jar", to process "mapObj" object dyamically.​</div>
<div>I have some problems on contour rendering.​</div>
<div>Could someone please tell me how to fix them?​</div>
<div>I request multiple tiled (client-side tiling) GetMap operations, and get images.​</div>
<div>Problem 1:​</div>
<div> Some contours can break off on tile edge (not allways).​</div>
<div> The simple geometric data (vector, raster) does not break off on tile edge.​</div>
<div> MAP​</div>
<div> ...​</div>
<div> LAYER​</div>
<div> STYLE LINE​</div>
<div> DATA "dem.tif"​</div>
<div> PROCESSING "BANDS=1"​</div>
<div> PROCESSING "CONTOUR_ITEM=elevation"​</div>
<div> PROCESSING "CONTOUR_INTERVAL=0,25000:5"​</div>
<div> PROCESSING "CONTOUR_INTERVAL=25000,50000:10"​</div>
<div> PROCESSING "CONTOUR_INTERVAL_50000,1000000:25"​</div>
<div> ...​</div>
<div> CLASS​</div>
<div> STYLE​</div>
<div> WIDTH 0.25​</div>
<div> COLOR 0 0 0​</div>
<div> END​</div>
<div> END​</div>
<div> END​</div>
<div> END​</div>
<div>Problem 2:​</div>
<div> I create TILEINDEX shapefile with gdaltindex command (on QGIS or on CUI) specifying one or multiple DEM files.​</div>
<div> For only 1 DEM file, the contours are shown.​</div>
<div> But, for multiple DEM files, contours only for one of them are shown.​</div>
<div> 2 DEMs, 10 DEMs, 100 DEMs, in the same way.​</div>
<div> MAP​</div>
<div> ...​</div>
<div> LAYER​</div>
<div> STYLE LINE​</div>
<div> TILEINDEX "tileindex.shp"​</div>
<div> TILEITEM "location"​</div>
<div> PROCESSING ...​</div>
<div> ...​</div>
<div> CLASS​</div>
<div> STYLE​</div>
<div> WIDTH 0.25​</div>
<div> COLOR 0 0 0​</div>
<div> END​</div>
<div> END​</div>
<div> END​</div>
<div> END​</div>
<div>With best regards,​</div>
<div>MapServer (MapScript) 7.4.3 (on Windows)​</div>
<div>... release-1911-x64-gdal-3-0-0-mapserver-7-4-3 at GISInternals​</div>
<div>Tomcat 8.5.51 (on Windows)​</div>
<div>JavaSE 8u251 (on Windows)​</div>
<div>Windows Server 2016​</div>