<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /></head><body><div data-html-editor-font-wrapper="true" style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 13px;">Hi,<br><br>Just a quick example. Please look at the GIST I created.<br><br><a href="https://gist.github.com/LarsSchy/610fc4cf3ed91ba0113b3c215481615b">https://gist.github.com/LarsSchy/610fc4cf3ed91ba0113b3c215481615b<br><br><img src="cid:477d38dda6b3f69e280b72d19ec3a6a6" alt="" style="width:400px;height:300px;margin-top:0px;margin-bottom:0px;margin-left:0px;margin-right:0px;border:0px solid black;" width="400" vspace="0" hspace="0" height="300" border="0"></a><br><br><br>Jukka is right two circle symbols on top of each other i possible the best solution. That is circle 3, 4 and 5.<br>In circle 2 I am drawing the outline first and then the middle. It is kind the same.<br>Circle 4 and 5 I am drawing the red outline with translucent color: COLOR "#FF000080"<br>Circle 5 is with a shadow with color "#80808080". That is grey with 50 % transparency.<br>The 80 is 128 in hex.<br><br>Run the example with: shp2img -m point_examples.map -o point_examples.png<br>My MapServer version this evening was: MapServer version 7.2.2<br><br>I guess that these should behave differently when You zoom.<br><br>Have fun / Lars Schylberg<br><br><br>26 februari 2022 kl. 15:19, "Rahkonen Jukka (MML)" <<a target="_blank" tabindex="-1" href="mailto:jukka.rahkonen@maanmittauslaitos.fi?to=%22Rahkonen%20Jukka%20(MML)%22%20<jukka.rahkonen@maanmittauslaitos.fi>">jukka.rahkonen@maanmittauslaitos.fi</a>> skrev:<br> <blockquote><div><div vlink="purple" style="word-wrap: break-word" lang="FI"><div> <p><span style="mso-fareast-language: EN-US">Hi,</span></p> <p><span style="mso-fareast-language: EN-US" lang="EN-US">Have you tried to use two filled circle symbols for making the outline effect, one below and the other one above? Or to use png image as a symbol?</span></p> <p><span style="mso-fareast-language: EN-US" lang="EN-US">-Jukka Rahkonen-</span></p> <div style="border: none;border-top: solid #E1E1E1 1.0pt;padding: 3.0pt 0cm 0cm 0cm"><p><b>Lähettäjä:</b> MapServer-users <<a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="mailto:mapserver-users-bounces@lists.osgeo.org">mapserver-users-bounces@lists.osgeo.org</a>> <b>Puolesta </b>Kyle Qian<br><b>Lähetetty:</b> lauantai 26. helmikuuta 2022 1.58<br><b>Vastaanottaja:</b> Jason Snyder <<a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="mailto:mapserver-users@lists.osgeo.org">mapserver-users@lists.osgeo.org</a>><br><b>Aihe:</b> Re: [mapserver-users] How to limit the width of the outline when the symbol size changes with the map scale?</p></div> <div> <p>The map file I used is:</p> <div> <div><p>CLASS<br>NAME "Populated Places"<br>STYLE<br>SYMBOL "PT-1"<br>COLOR "#00A2E8"<br>OPACITY 100<br>MINSIZE 10<br>MAXSIZE 30<br>SIZE 16.5<br>OFFSET 0 0<br>OUTLINECOLOR "#FF0000"<br>OUTLINEWIDTH 5<br>END<br>END<br>SYMBOLSCALEDENOM 68247.34668319309</p></div> <div></div> <div><p>SYMBOL<br>NAME "PT-1"<br>TYPE ellipse<br>FILLED true<br>POINTS 5 5 END<br>END</p></div> </div> </div> <div> <div><p>Kyle Qian <<a rel="external nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" tabindex="-1" href="mailto:kyleqian@gmail.com">kyleqian@gmail.com</a>> <span style='font-family: "MS Gothic"'>于</span>2022<span style='font-family: "MS Gothic"'>年</span>2<span style='font-family: "MS Gothic"'>月</span>26<span style='font-family: "MS Gothic"'>日周六</span> 07:56<span style='font-family: "MS Gothic"'>写道:</span></p></div> <blockquote style="border: none;border-left: solid #CCCCCC 1.0pt;padding: 0cm 0cm 0cm 6.0pt;margin-left: 4.8pt;margin-right: 0cm"><div> <p>Hi, when I set up a map for points, I use SYMBOLSCALEDENOM to change the size of points and MIN/MAXSIZE to limit it, but there seems to be no way to control the width of the outline of points. The outline seems to keep getting bigger as the map zooms in. The image below is the result map as the map zooms in:</p> <div> <div><p><a target="_blank" rel="external nofollow noopener noreferrer" tabindex="-1" href="https://pasteboard.co/JC19o7caYHHk.png">https://pasteboard.co/JC19o7caYHHk.png</a><br>Is there any way to solve this problem?</p></div> <div><p>In addition, it seems that there is no way to set the transparency of the outline separately. Is it necessary to use a separate STYLE to implement it with GEOMTRANSFORM?</p></div> </div> <div><p>Thanks.</p></div> </div></blockquote> </div> </div></div></div></blockquote> <br><br><signature></signature> </div></body></html>