[Marketing] PDX non-consumables request (was: PDX request for Exhibition Pack and OSGeo Live DVD and USB funds - proposal for voting)

Eli Adam eadam at co.lincoln.or.us
Wed Nov 6 17:24:29 PST 2013

Hi all,

We had a great conference and unconference.  The open source track was so
popular that it was often disrupted by the noise of more chairs being added
into the room by event staff to accommodate all the standing people.

On Fri, Apr 26, 2013 at 2:26 PM, Cameron Shorter
<cameron.shorter at gmail.com>wrote:

>  OSGeo Marketing:
> I propose we approve the spending of up to:
> $100 for consumables

Brochure printing and limited DVD printing was donated by members along
with a table runner.

>  $200 for non consumables

We'd like to spend these funds on shirts which we have ordered and
received.  Our plan is to apply the OSGeo funds ($200) as a discount to our
total order price (over $200).  Should I send the receipt to Daniel for
reimbursement (limited to $200)?

Best Regards, Eli

> +1 from me.
> Elli,
> As you deadline is fast approaching, I'll make a call as Marketing chair
> on what is in and out of scope based on what I think we can afford if
> applied to all expected requests for funding:
> As you have explained, this conference definitely qualifies as an event
> promoting OSGeo in that OSGeo is being provided a booth for free, and
> speaking slots on OSGeo topics.
> Also, there doesn't seem to be direct matching funds for printing costs,
> so I suggest OSGeo should pay: ($2 per DVD) * (10% * 400 delegates) + ($20
> to round up) = $100. You may use this for printing of DVDs or USBs or
> printed material. Your choice.
> For non consumable items, a table runner is not covered (we suggest using
> a simple table cloth from home instead). Shirts and literature stand is
> covered. I'm comfortable with approving $200 toward non-consumables (as I
> you explain that your chapter has spent $300 of your $500).
> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Exhibition_Pack#Regional_Starter_Kit
> On 26/04/13 07:44, Eli Adam wrote:
> Cameron and Outreach committee,
> On Thu, Apr 25, 2013 at 2:03 PM, Daniel Morissette <
> dmorissette at mapgears.com> wrote:
>> Hi Cameron, and All,
>> FYI the 30$ is for wire fees which is the preferred method for
>> international payments.
>> For payments in USA and Canada which would the the case for PDX then I
>> can mail a check and the cost is more in the range of 2$ (stamp + check
>> costs).
>> Daniel
>> On 13-04-25 4:55 PM, Cameron Shorter wrote:
>>> Eli,
>>> Great to see you pushing this forward. I see that you have a very tight
>>> timeline and at the moment, the OSGeo Marketing Committee hasn't
>>> resolved our issue of micro payments. (It costs OSGeo $30 to make a
>>> payment).
>>> We have an outstanding proposal that funding can be requested for $2 DVD
>>> for 10% of attendees, for legitimate events. (That would be $80 for
>>> consumables).
>>> More can be requested if you have matching funding. Do you have a
>>> co-sponsor?
>>> http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/marketing/2013-March/002929.html
>  The GIS In Action conference is co-sponsoring to the extent of a
> complimentary booth that would otherwise cost $450.  We are also getting
> space the following day for the PDX-OSGeo unconference (I'm not exactly
> sure how that is being sponsored).  The general sentiment was that branded
> USBs make a better impression than DVDs.  If we count booth and
> unconference space sponsorship, then we could get to some number like
> $80+match-to-booth-and-unconference-space and spend it on USBs.  I know
> that may be stretching the intended 'matching funding' definition.
>>> A legitimate event would be one which has been given an OSGeo Booth,
>>> and/or has someone presenting on OSGeo projects. Does this conference
>>> qualify?
>  We have a booth, PDX-OSGeo members will be presenting on a variety of
> projects covering at least QGIS, OpenLayers, and others.  PDX-OSGeo members
> were also involved in the conference planning so that there is a
> substantial Open Source track.  Also, there is an PDX-OSGeo unconference
> the following day.  Yes, it qualifies.
>>> We could also pay up to $500 once off payment for non-consumables for a
>>> local chapter.
>>> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Exhibition_Pack
>>> We haven't discussed top ups, maybe $50 to $100 would be in order.
>  We have what I call an OSGeo 'pop up banner' (I think this is the same
> thing as a 'top up').  To complete the Exhibition pack we would need some
> shirts and a table runner (maybe a table cloth too).  I think that our pop
> up banner might have used about $300 of the $500 but am not sure how that
> actually panned out.
>>> In parallel with this email thread, I'd like to rekindle our discussion
>>> and set a final policy for determining how the OSGeo Marketing committee
>>> should hand out our $10K budget.
>  Great idea.
>  Thanks, Eli
>>> On 25/04/2013 7:09 AM, Eli Adam wrote:
>>>> The PDX-OSGeo chapter will have a booth at the upcoming (April
>>>> 30th-May 1) GIS In Action conference in Portland, Oregon (a $450
>>>> in-kind contribution from the conference). We would like to distribute
>>>> OSGeo Live on USBs and DVDs. There will be roughly 400 conference
>>>> attendees.
>>>> We already have a pop-up banner but need a table runner with OSGeo
>>>> logo, OSGeo shirts, and OSGeo Live USBs and DVDs.  We are also
>>>> interested in printed material about OSGeo projects and OSGeo, that I
>>>> think is more an issue of the files than the printing (since someone
>>>> will probably provide printing).
>>>> Any recommendations for a source for the table runner? Is the OSGeo
>>>> cafepress store the source for shirts?  What is the best source for
>>>> the DVDs (is it already available at some vendors)?
>>>> Branders.com has been recommended as one source for USBs with printed
>>>> logos,  It appears as if 50 4GB drives with logo would cost roughly
>>>> $450.  Are there other recommendations for USB sources?  Any that have
>>>> a good track record for bootable USBs?
>>>> Other than writing this list, what is the process to request marketing
>>>> funds?
>>>> Thanks, Eli
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>>>> Marketing mailing list
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>>> --
>>> Cameron Shorter
>>> Geospatial Solutions Manager
>>> Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
>>> Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254
>>> Think Globally, Fix Locally
>>> Geospatial Solutions enhanced with Open Standards and Open Source
>>> http://www.lisasoft.com
>>   --
>> Daniel Morissette
>> http://www.mapgears.com/
>> Provider of Professional MapServer Support since 2000
> --
> Cameron Shorter
> Geospatial Solutions Manager
> Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
> Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254
> Think Globally, Fix Locally
> Geospatial Solutions enhanced with Open Standards and Open Sourcehttp://www.lisasoft.com
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