<div dir="ltr"><div><div><div><div><div>Hey folks,<br><br></div>After the booth swap negotiation with AAG conference fell through, Anthony from Boundless reached out to me and offered our team a spot in their booth if we wanted to hand out information about the FOSS4G. <br><br>I am taking him up on his offer and sending Ashley Tardif, our operations coordinator, to spend some time in the booth promoting OSGeo/FOSS4G, I was able to work out a pass swap with Oscar at the AAG so now she will be at the conference this week.<br><br></div>I know this is last minute and I don't have a booth, but are there some general OSGeo handouts or other material Ashley should have on hand during the conference this week?<br><br></div>Please let me know what you think and how this might work.<br><br></div>Thank you for your assistance in this,<br><br></div>Guido<br></div>